Al-Burhan’s Obituary
Ali Yassin

Many of those who took the time to analyze Abdul-Hayy Youssef’s statements, or -to be precise- those whom I heard or read their analysis of the subject, failed to dive deeper than (the surface), or to rephrase: they were satisfied with viewing the tip of the iceberg..
Truthfully, they didn’t fail to understand the apparent meaning of Abdul-Hayy’s statements correctly in terms of revealing the contradictions, assuming its apparent dimensions and motives, however, they failed to realize the (organizational weight) of Abdul-Hayy within (the Sudanese criminal Movement) as well as the reasons and motives behind the utterance of such statements, its timing or the timing of its broadcast.
Anyone well-versed with the machinations of the Islamist Movement will immediately realize that Abdel-Hayy’s statements weren’t spontaneous, nor was the person asking the questions doing so in vain (As Abdul-Hayy wouldn’t have risked criticizing Al-Burhan’s actions and positions, when everyone knows that he –Abdul-Hayy– wasn’t only keeping quiet about these actions and positions at the time, but went as far as to support them, for example; Al-Burhan’s meeting with Netanyahu in the Ugandan capital and then starting the process of normalization with the Zionist entity, “which everyone with an iota of insight recognizes that it wasn’t Al-Burhan’s idea, but rather (instructions) from the leadership of the Islamist Movement, for fear that the Forces of Freedom and Change would initiate the normalization process with Israel before them and thus gain America’s approval and support later.. (And whoever considers America’s subsequent positions in regards to Al-Burhan’s normalization, starting with granting the green light for the October 25th Coup, adopting weak positions towards the ongoing war, and its implicit recognition of Al-Burhan’s government despite it being contradictory to its -voiced- support of democracy as well as condemnation and exclusion of coup plotters. Whoever takes the time to review these American positions, will soon realize that America didn’t forget Al-Burhan and the Islamist Movement’s initiative to normalize relations with Israel).
Abdul-Hayy wouldn’t have risked criticizing a man everyone believes helped him escape to Türkiye despite the lawsuits filed against him, which prompted Abdul-Hayy to become one of Al-Burhan’s stauch supporter, as the former supported the October Coup and praised the killing of demonstrators against the coup..
Which begs the question: Why did Al-Burhan suddenly become, in Abdul Hayy’s view, an irreligious man, without morals, and a traitor ?
In fact, these aren’t Abdul-Hayy’s personal statements, but rather the Islamist Movement’s opinion voiced by Abdul-Hayy, to serve a particular purpose…
Al-Burhan has become, for the Islamists, a “useless leverage.” As in addition to his blatant failure in managing their wicked war, he has become hated even by those who support the continuation of the war. His multiplying lies have become exposed to everyone, and the idiocy of his speeches has become the subject of ridicule locally and internationally, in addition to the fact that Al-Burhan’s place in the Islamist Movement is basically a place of (Those whose hearts are to be reconciled)… The Islamists believe, that the stage requires removing Al-Burhan, and handing over the banner of war (or negotiation) to someone who is more deeply affiliated with the Islamists “perhaps it would be Al-Kabbashi”..
I view Abdul-Hayy’s “meticulously planned” speech as a signal to announce the process of taking Al-Burhan out of the ring.
As for how this imminent procedure will be carried out, there are numerous possible scenarios, among which may be announcing his “martyrdom” and organizing a suitable (martyr’s ceremony), or perhaps he will be forced to resign, or, if he (acted intransigently), locking him up in prison on a charge that suits the procedure.
It ought to be emphasized that Abdul-Hayy’s statements weren’t circumstantial, nor mere “words,” or even spontaneous conversation expressing the speaker’s opinion.. And God Almighty knows best.
P.S: Honestly speaking, i ought to state that after I finished writing this article, I read an article by Professor Salah Shua’ib on Facebook that analyzed Abdul-Hayy’s statements with the required depth, in which he concluded a rather similar hypothesis to what this article contained.