They allied with the terrorist Ali Karti Brigades

Beware of the lying leftists

Ibrahim Matar

Left-wing affiliation is known as a moral position in the first place, and from this perspective it necessarily rises up against racism, sectarianism, the persecution of minorities, dictatorship, imperialism, hegemony, and other terms of hatred and tyranny, as you can hardly find a racist, sectarian, or siding with an oppressor leftist in all the books and theories produced by leftist thought.

This is why many are surprised by the position of a number of the most stubborn Sudanese leftists on the current conflict, turning a blind eye to the beheading, ripping open bellies, eating the bodies of the dead and mutilating them without shame. They also turn a blind eye to the raised index finger, the false (Takbeer), and the pictures of the terrorist Al-Baraa Ibn Malik Brigades that fill the screens, calling them the Army, and trying in vain to find a justification for their shameful position in books and theories.

Until their statements became a source of mockery that people hide from them out of respect, but soon the weakness of their argument pushes them to take extreme positions, revealing sick souls that academic degrees couldn’t treat or alleviate the severity of their illness, and their moral decline continues from one level to another, and no wonder, you cannot adopt morals and defend falsehood at the same time, just as you cannot keep the cake and eat it at the same time.

Since the Sudanese -motivated by an ancient social legacy- have mercy on the young and respect the old, they were content with regretting the fall of these people without disclosing it.

One of the people who interacted with the veteran leftist Mohammad Jalal Hashim in the WhatsApp group, after Hashim called him stupid, was content to reply with: (I refrain from responding out of disdain for your insult to me), and Mohammad Jalal Hashim responded by saying: (This is depravity and ill-manners, and I have no place with the fools of the Internet). It soon became clear to everyone that decadence is to try to combine defending falsehood with clinging to morality, how bad what they were claiming.

Perhaps the reader of these lines feels astonished by the position such people adopt, but the greatest astonishment was the position of the “Sudanese Communist Party” itself, and its almost declared alliance with Ali Karti’s group in the Islamic Movement.

The Communists weren’t stripped of their jobs in the public service after the war broke out, they weren’t pursued, tortured and killed in the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Service in the areas controlled by the Army. They weren’t prevented from traveling, and people saw with their own eyes the Islamic Movement pursuing the cadres of political parties other than the Communists, and working to arrest, torture and kill them.

Ali Karti’s group used the leftist “Sandra Kadouda,” blackmailing her with pornographic videos that the Security Service had recorded of her with her lover during the era of Al-Bashir in one of the apartments in Khartoum Bahri, to establish a leftist entity supporting the Islamic Movement, in its war to return to power on corpses and skulls!

A number of Communists who reject the war claimed that the party had been infiltrated by the Islamic Movement and the Security Service at the leadership level. One of them stated that the individual who falsified the results of the party’s sixth leadership conference elections, “Al-Harith Al-Tom,” is the head of the security group within the party, which included Muhi Al-Din Al-Jallad and Ali Al-Kanin.

He added that these three are the tip of the iceberg in the Party’s infiltration, and that most party members, even a number of Sudanese opposition parties, discovered that they were agents for the Brotherhood’s Security Service for several reasons, including recorded videos being used as leverage against them, as in the case of Al-Kanin and Muhi Al-Din Al-Jallad, or for their actual affiliation with the Islamic Movement, before they were thrown into the Party during its secret work, as in the case of Al-Harith Al-Tom.

Regardless of the validity of the excuses that the Communists who reject the war have made regarding the ordeal of the infiltration that struck the leadership, you can take a look at this leftist who supports terrorism today, he is making a significant effort to reach a very simple conclusion, which contradicts his tried and tested cognitive and mental abilities, such as Professor “Abdullah Ali Ibrahim”, for example, and you become confused and disoriented, because his speech comes as a mixture of racism and embarrassment, confused within himself and confusing to others.

However, once you deal with the matter simply, you will soon discover -unfortunately- that the most important thing is that the northern (koz) is closer to these lying leftists than the western revolutionary individual, even if he reaches the level of Guevara and the heroes of the left.

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