What amused the world regarding Al Burhan’s speech

Ali Ahmed

We are inspired by the repeated and restored story about a dog finding itself in a shop that was locked from the outside, the whole shop -from its floors to the ceiling- was covered in mirrors, and as soon as the dog saw its reflections in the mirrors, it was greatly shocked, as the dog suddenly saw in front of it a whole pack of dogs surrounding him from all sides.

The dog bared its fangs and began to bark, and the other dogs responded in kind, for they were nothing but reflections of its image in the mirrors, so it began to bark and bark, jumping back and forth, trying to scare the dogs surrounding it, but they jumped too, imitating and so the poor dog continued to try to scare the dogs and keep them away, to no avail.

The next morning, the shop owner found the wretched dog dead, devoid of life, surrounded by hundreds of reflections of a dead dog as well, as there was no one around to harm the dog, for it had killed itself fighting with its own reflections.

That was the story of the dog, and it is also a valid story and the fate of everyone who talks to himself thinking he is talking to someone else, and this applies to (Al-Burhan) in regards to his speech the day before yesterday, before the United Nations’ General Assembly.

Al-Burhan stood in a nearly empty hall, from which the attendees had dispersed shortly before his speech, and there were only one or two delegations of (those who invoked anger), the misguided, and employees of the Nations who were forced due to the nature of their work circumstances to stay in their seats, not obligated to listen or deliberate, with his meager delegation of three and the fourth of whom is, Gibril. Oh, God’s grace!

Al-Burhan began his speech running circles around himself, repeating sentences and phrases as if he was talking to himself out loud. His speech was devoid of any feelings or empathy, even with the people he was complaining and begging for sympathy on behalf of, as if we were gazing at a wooden creature, not a leader who had embroiled his country, humiliated his people and scattered them in every valley, because of his childish ventures, his foolishness, his idiotic authoritarian lust, and his mischief that exceeded that of the ancients’, for he hamstrung a camel, however, this man slaughtered an entire country!!

I won’t speak about his cold, repetitive and boring speech, as none of its contents were correct. The speech was full of mistakes and sins, in form and content, and what correction or criticism can be provided in regards to all of this slander and lies uttered by the chameleon man, known for possessing all the legitimate conditions of hypocrisy in his personality, as he lies when he speaks, breaks his promises, and betrays when he is entrusted?! And for whoever wishes to add to it, he destroys when he dreams !!

However, I refuse to let all of his speech pass unchallenged because it’s a mixture of evasion and lies. Lies can also be applied to the well-known jurisprudential rule that states, whatever cannot be fully realized, shouldn’t be fully abandoned. Hence, just because his statement is full of lies, that requires no refutation doesn’t mean we should allow it to pass unchallenged. There is no harm in refreshing the liar’s memory and telling him that if you are a liar, then be one of those who remember the lies they tell.

The first point concerns his attempt to belittle the Rapid Support Forces in attempting to describe them to the world as a mere tribal militia that came to Khartoum from Darfur on a dark, moonless night in mid-April to seize power and transform into tribal rule. They threatened the security of citizens and are well on their way to threatening international security and peace. So come on, world, confront them and classify them as a transnational terrorist organization!

This is how the naive man addressed the world, as if the Rapid Support Forces had suddenly descended from the sky, and as if the world was waiting for him to speak to understand how these forces were established, and the date of their legal and constitutional officialization in (2017), so that they have since become regular forces, like other regular forces.

The world also knows very well the constitutional amendment that Al-Burhan made regarding them in (2019), so that they became as they are now, therefore, does he want the world to believe he was lying when he was at the highest constitutional authority and believe him now, when he is a mere displaced coup plotter like the rest of his people, without a Draft Constitutional Declaration or legitimacy, without a palace or an office, or rather any formal appearance that makes his speech absolving of all responsibility!

As for classifying it as a terrorist group, that is what made the nations and others laugh at him. It is rather disgraceful enough that he was uttering the phrase while “Ali Al-Sadiq,” was on his right side, the former official spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the National Congress Party, which was classified -at the time- on the terrorism list, and on his left was “Gibril Ibrahim,” the former director of “Ezza Airlines” during the era of the terrorist regime -before he rebelled- which was transporting weapons to terrorist groups in the region, and suspicions of a relationship with the terrorist “Bin Laden” was surrounding him and the Airlines, which was the reason behind expelling Gibril from Britain. I cannot fathom why Al-Burhan (ridicules) himself to such pathetic and low levels?!

There is another point to be made, which is the funniest and most comedic paragraph in the man’s speech, which is him saying that the Rapid Support Forces released those wanted by the International Criminal Court from prisons. The evil man said it while thinking that by doing so he was inciting the world against the Rapid Support Forces, describing them as forces that are hostile to the world and mock its international justice!

Who in the country is smarter than this boy?!

The clever Burhan was speaking as if he was speaking in front of a cemetery of corpses whose vital functions have stopped thinking and planning! It didn’t occur to him once that the first question that comes to the minds of anyone who hears this statement is: Why are these wanted persons in Sudan to begin with? Who prevented their handover to the International Court? Why not hand them over now? And where are they now? Do they live freely in areas controlled by the Rapid Support Forces or under the care and protection of the Army and its Intelligence Service, in its barracks ?!

Nevertheless, and in order for your speech to be consistent, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to hand over (Al-Bashir and Abdul-Rahim) when they didn’t escape from prison, but rather have been living since before the war inside the Medical Corps “Military” Hospital, which is under the control of your forces!

Do it if you are truly keen on achieving international justice, in accordance with the wise Sudanese saying: “Let the runaway go, tend to the ones still standing”, which is a common proverb from the wisdom of the people of the (river) and (sea) regions!

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