Biden and Bin Zayed And the homeless person is all alone

Ali Ahmed

“Al-Kizan tend to write as if they are wanted in that big distant world”, and “al-Balabsa write and shout, while no one is listening to them”.

While Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan cannot leave his residence in (Mama America), which he visits at the invitation of the United Nations, more than a 5-kilometer radius, because he’s not allowed to do so, the President of the sisterly United Arab Emirates, Sheikh/ Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, tours the United States and its neighboring countries, the red carpet is readily rolled out for him and he is crowned with roses and embraced openly with mellow smiles.

There is no comparison between Al-Burhan and me, let alone comparing him to Bin Zayed – there is no room to compare Jebel Ali Port to Shaiba Dirar Port, and most certainly there is no room to compare Abu Dhabi and Port Sudan. But the stupid “Kizan” and their “Balabsa” dream out of context – they don’t understand how the world is run, and how relations are established between countries? They live in a world of their own, a world that seems like a fantasy, hence it has collapsed readily with the first bullet out of the valiant soldiers (Al-Ashaws’) Kalashnikov. Should I tell you more or continue with Bin Zayed?

After receiving the President of the United Arab Emirates, the sister country of the Sudanese people, with a warm and enthusiastic reception, the US President Joe Biden uttered two statements that fell on Al-Kizan and al-Balabsa like deadly poison: “The UAE is a major defense partner of the United States of America,” and “The UAE is Washington’s first commercial and strategic partner in the Middle East and North Africa.”

Al-Kizan and al-Balabsa seem to believe the Americans watch over them and care about what they write, and that what they hurl on Arab satellite channels and social media platforms has value, while their (Burhan) cannot meet a junior employee in the US State Department, not only because he is an underdeveloped president, a failed coup leader and a fascist, for even if he wasn’t, (the current) Sudan isn’t that important to the US Administration, and perhaps it isn’t important at all to anyone except (Egypt), which wants Sudan to be this thin so it can claim the right to broker it and steal its resources as well.

The largest and most important countries in East Africa and the Horn of Africa currently are Ethiopia, then Kenya, and Sudan could have topped them if it weren’t for their idiotic coup on the 25th of October 2021, which put us at the bottom of this neglected region of the world. The importance of countries and international relations is based on interests, and this is what the confused minds of the War of (Dignity) boys fail to grasp.

Bin Zayed met with Biden, and they talked about various things, they touched on the subject of Sudan, where they expressed, as reported, their deep concern about “The tragic impact that the violence has had on the Sudanese people and neighboring countries.”

They also spoke about the millions of civilians displaced by the war, the hundreds of thousands suffering from famine, and the atrocities committed by the warring parties. They stressed that there can be no “military solution to the conflict in Sudan,” and the need for immediate, concrete measures to achieve a permanent cessation of hostilities, a return to the political process, and a transition to civilian rule.

When Biden talks to Bin Zayed about what is happening in Sudan, it is because the United Arab Emirates is the US Administration’s first strategic, commercial, and defense partner in the Middle East and North Africa, according to what “Joe Biden” stated. To which I’d add, “and in East Africa as well.” But do the lunatics, the military, al-Balabsa and the riffraff understand international relations and international interests?!

I am certain they don’t understand, and the evidence to corporate that, in addition to what I have previously mentioned, is the joint commitment announced by the two presidents to calm the conflict, alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, ensure that humanitarian aid reaches those affected, and prevent Sudan from attracting cross-border terrorist networks again.

Pay attention to this language and these terms: “No military solution, achieving a permanent cessation of hostilities, returning to the political process, transitioning to civilian rule, preventing Sudan from attracting terrorist networks again.”

The latter is a clear indication of the US Administration and the UAE’s rejection of the return of Al-Kizan to the forefront “again,” because they are an unruly group that can “attract terrorist groups.” This is actually taking place right now on the battlefield!

What I want to summarize here is that the UAE, as is well known, is tens of millions of times more important to the US administration than Sudan at the moment.

However, Al-Kizan and al-Balabsa think they can incite Washington against Abu Dhabi, while they’re jumping around like little children in Prophet Muhammad’s birthday celebration arena, with things like “experts’ report,” which is mostly ink on paper and has no impact compared to the common interests between Washington and Abu Dhabi, and they rejoice at the statements of that imbecile of an activist “Perriello,” who is another (Insrafi) at a higher level!

The United States cannot sacrifice its interests with the UAE for the sake of Al-Burhan, Yasser Al-Atta, Nada Al-Qalaa, Dhi Al-Noon, Dhi Al-Rimmah (of the cadaver), Dhi Al-Kharaa (of the human excrement), and Al-insrafi. That is childish nonsense, as one of the National Congress Party members, who presented himself as a strategic analyst, advised Al-Burhan to bypass Joe Biden and go directly to (Trump) in his tower to embarrass the Democratic Party – such ineptitude is befitting of Al-Burhan.

Yes, by God, this is how the man advised his president, without realizing that Trump doesn’t even know a person named Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan and hasn’t heard of him until now. Trump considers all Africans (mere insects), he stated it clearly, but was forced to withdraw it and apologize after immense pressure.

And then, when Trump wins, and I am certain that he won’t win again, but let’s assume that he will, he may offer Sudan for sale or colonization, or whichever is faster, in exchange for a shipment of electronic chips. But you are a (koz), “what do you know” about strategic matters and international relations based on interests.

What could Washington gain from you, when you are a poor, destitute, backward, and a terrorist, chanting day and night, “America and Russia’s punishment is immanent,” spreading terrorist militias and causing anxiety and unrest in neighboring countries, and then you want to put this obscure African officer, with modest capabilities, who seized power overnight in a very poor and marginal country, head-to-head with Mohammed bin Zayed?

You are truly stupid.

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