Mercy be upon the Italian surgeon Strada and condolences

to the deposed's procession

Mortada Al-Ghali

The news reported the death of the Italian surgeon (Ginio Strada) who was responsible for establishing (Al-Salam) Charitable Center for Cardiac Surgery, treating the impoverished and destitute from Sudan and Africa in the suburb of (Soba).

Social media along with various platforms were mourning the man in appreciation of his notable deeds for thousands of patients and their families…!

The Sudanese people recalled with the departure of (Strada) that famous shameful incident that was associated with the deposed Omar al-Bashir along with his brothers, party (as well as his business partners) and their injustic Movement..
Its an incident that caused the Sudanese people great embarrassment when they saw (the head of State) visiting the treatment center in a procession of presidential cars with his brother and Abdul-Rahim Mohammed Hussein Al-Muta’afi as well as Ahmed Bilal Osman, the Minister of Health, to ask the management of the charitable center to impose fees on patients and convert it into an investment hospital that guarantees their partnership in it..!!

However, the director of the charitable Center, the Italian knight “Mr. Strada”, turned them away.. and he was extremely surprised by a head of State who refuses free treatment for his people.. Let alone the wretched people of the African continent…! .

At the time, I had written some of the following in regards to this sad incident:

This is one of the National Congress Party’s bizarre stories.. A delegation headed by the deposed president, his brother, whose attendance was forced with no official capacity other than (being family), along with Al-Muta’afi.. He makes a recorded visit (with audio and video) and comes to the suburb of (Soba) in order to bribe the noble man (Mr. Ginio Strada), the world-class surgeon, benefactor, the honest and honorable man of righteousness, who rejected the offer, refusing to deprive the Sudanese and Africans of the blessing of free treatment in order to accumulate wealth for (the new money), who have made a huge leap from (surviving on onion soup) to buying yachts, palaces and piling up billions in the Cayman Islands..!! On this occasion, where is Mustafa Osman Ismail who said that the Sudanese were (beggars) before the “Inqaz” regime..!! .

It is the “Morals of mules”… as Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Omar al-Banna says… (Some are rich, but poor in their chivalry… and some are strong, but their souls are weak/ And some are lacking but followed by people for their extravagant ways… like the Samaritan, without intelligence or religion/ They use religion to gain worldly wealth, collecting it… ill-gotten gains that will land them in the depths of (Sijjin)/ Another is pliant to their needs, appearing in… the garb of kings with the morals of mules).. !!

The man refused to suspend free treatment and turn the hospital into a profit for the deposed president and his companions… And if this wasn’t the case, then what would prompt Al-Muta’afi to make an appearance with the deposed president and his brother in (Al-Salam) Hospital in (Soba) to present (the plea for privatizing the charitable center) and turning it into an investment hospital under the pretext that the Sudanese are able to pay for the treatment..!! “End of quote”

Did you understand, my friend, the reasons behind the National Congress Party’s Coup and for the war in order to return to power..! And do some of our brave revolutionary brothers still blame the civil forces ? They stand with the advocates of war that aim to stifle the revolution and restore the authority of shame, disgrace and blatant theft ?! May God guide them !!

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