Daglo: We welcome Washington’s calls to stop the war

And we will go anywhere in the world in search of peace

The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, 1st Lt. Gen. Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, welcomed the two statements issued following the African Peace and Security Council meeting, and US President Joe Biden, who issued a statement for the first time since the outbreak of the war regarding the catastrophic situation in Sudan and his call to stop the war.

Daglo shared in a statement: “The Sudanese crisis has reached a point that requires swift unification and coordination of international efforts in order to stop the destructive war, that has created a large-scale crisis, unparalleled in the history of Sudan.”

He stressed that war was never an option for them and their position was and remains firmly in favor of peace and democratic civil rule, led by true democratic forces from all regions of Sudan, especially marginalized areas, women and youth sectors.

He pointed out that the war was the choice and creation of those who obstructed the political settlement procedures represented in the Framework Agreement, which would have put the country back on a civilian transitional path, sparing it this hellish scenario, which the war advocates from the remnants of the so-called Islamic Movement and its elements controlling the Armed Forces have plunged us into.

Daglo pointed out the efforts made by the Rapid Support Forces, regionally and internationally, in order to restore the civilian rule and end the war, which confirms their sincere and genuine desire for peace.

He stressed their awareness that stopping the destruction of this war -which is a single episodes in the wars that have erupted since the dawn of independence- and truly addressing the human suffering requires stopping the war completely, by addressing its root causes.

He added, “Therefore, we engaged with full seriousness and sincere intention in the Jeddah negotiations, which were sponsored by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. We participated seriously in the Manama negotiations, in which the Kingdom of Bahrain was a sponsor, and the United States, the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the Arab Republic of Egypt were participants.”

The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces stated that for the sake of peace, he left Khartoum, despite the circumstances of the military operations, to participate in a summit organized by the (IGAD) countries in Uganda, and he added, “However, the Commander of the Armed Forces was absent from that summit.”

Likewise, the Deputy Commander of the Rapid Support Forces left Sudan to participate in the Manama negotiations that failed due to the absence of the representative of the Armed Forces from the negotiations after signing the Declaration of Principles and Foundations for a Comprehensive Solution to the Sudanese Crisis, and after the leaders of the National Congress Party as well as the old regime made a decision to refrain from continuing to participate in the negotiations. Indicating that this absence was a confirmation of the truth that they always repeated regarding the former regime’s absolute control over the Armed Forces.

The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces referred to their participation in the negotiations in Geneva in relation to achieving a ceasefire, ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid to the millions of people in need in Sudan, and assigning a monitoring mechanism. He pointed out that the Rapid Support Forces participated with a delegation that had full authorization to make the necessary decisions to achieve the goal of the negotiations and pave the way for stopping the war.

He added that the Armed Forces refused to participate in the negotiations using flimsy excuses, which clearly shows their lack of concern for the suffering of the Sudanese people and that they are nothing but a puppet in the hands of the former regime. A regime that only cares about power and hegemony over the Sudanese people.

The Commander shared that the Rapid Support Forces has unilaterally made humanitarian commitments in Geneva that were submitted to the Mediation and are currently working to implement them through a number of procedures and measures, including the formation of a force to protect civilians that has started its duties in the states of Khartoum, Al-Jazeera, and Darfur.

He added that, the Rapid Support Forces has previously participated, while the Armed Forces were absent, in humanitarian negotiations at the invitation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations’ Personal Envoy in Geneva, and the Rapid Support Forces has also made commitments aimed at alleviating the human suffering.

Daglo reiterated their welcome for the high-level international attention, and extended his sincere gratitude to the African Union and the US President for their statements.

He affirmed their renewed commitment to protecting civilians and ensuring the delivery of humanitarian assistance, as stated in Geneva, and Jeddah. Pledging to redouble efforts to engage in peace, as President Biden called for, stressing their cooperation to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches all citizens in need in all areas of Sudan without delay.

He acknowledged that the ongoing conflict has hindered the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance, and affirmed their commitment to working with international partners, as they did in Switzerland during the (ALPS) Group meetings, to open new paths to deliver aid. He indicated that they will remain open to the concept of expanding access and ensuring the flow of life-saving assistance to those in need.

The Rapid Support Forces Commander stated that the protection and well-being of the Sudanese people remains their top priority and that they recognize the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis in El-Fasher, in particular, and all cities in Sudan, in general. Pointing out that they had previously submitted a proposal regarding El-Fasher, for the withdrawal of the Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces from the city of El-Fasher and for neutral Armed Movements to maintain security, protect civilians and secure humanitarian aid in the city, he added, but our proposal was rejected by the leadership of the Armed Forces.

He explained that the war in El-Fasher is part of the Armed Forces’ strategy to transfer the war to Darfur and confine it there, hence, the Armed Forces incited some leaders of the Darfur Armed Movements, who reside in Port Sudan, to abandon their positions of neutrality and participate in the war for a small price they received for themselves. Indicating that the Rapid Support Forces made great efforts to avoid war in all of Sudan, especially the Darfur region, and had it not been for the decision of those who betrayed the issues of the region and allied with the tyrannical Army, the war wouldn’t have broken out in El-Fasher.

The Commander of the Rapid Support Forces reiterated their categorical condemnation of the indiscriminate aerial bombardment carried out by the Sudanese Armed Forces, which targets and destroys the lives of civilians, their homes as well as the country’s vital infrastructure. Pointing out that these actions constitute a violation of the International Humanitarian Law and have caused indescribable suffering to the innocent Sudanese people. Calling on the international community and relevant bodies to investigate the continued bombardment of civilian areas by the Armed Forces.

He stressed that accountability is of utmost importance to ensure that those responsible for these atrocities are brought to justice, and confirmed that they are ready to cooperate in any such investigations.

He renewed their commitment to the ceasefire negotiations. Noting their belief that the path to peace lies in dialogue, not in indiscriminate violence, and that they will continue to engage in peace processes to ensure a future free of fear and suffering for all Sudanese civilians.

He affirmed their commitment to seeking a peaceful solution through a transition to civilian rule. And that they will continue to work with all parties towards a unified and democratic Sudan, and to ensure a future of peace and justice for all the Sudanese people.

He added that in this regard, we agree with the position of the African Union on the necessity of inclusivity in the political process, but we’d firmly renew our unwavering position that the National Congress Party and its various political and civil organizations shouldn’t be part of that process, and that any political process must lead to the formation of a civilian government, whose first priority is to dismantle the former regime and establish a new regime in Sudan.

Daglo stated that the main obstacle to stopping this war and ending the human suffering is, as we mentioned previously, the Armed Forces that is under the absolute control of the former regime. Therefore, the international community, especially the African Union, the United States and the United Nations, need to exert unified and coordinated pressure against the Armed Forces and it’s leadership, which acts in coordination with countries with malicious intentions that never wanted good for Sudan and its people.

He stressed their unhesitating welcome to all regional initiatives aimed at achieving comprehensive peace and restoring the path of democratic transition in Sudan. Reiterating that they will go anywhere in the world in search of peace, because they are not warmongers, and didn’t ignite the ongoing war. In addition, neither they nor the people of Sudan have any interest in the war’s continuation. Hence, their hands will always remain extended for peace.

He added, “Despite our control over Darfur, Al-Jazeera state, large parts of Kordofan, Sennar state, and the greater part of Khartoum state, we would like to reiterate our readiness for a ceasefire throughout Sudan in order to allow the passage of humanitarian aid and provide safe corridors for civilians and relief workers, and to begin serious and comprehensive political talks leading to a comprehensive political solution and the establishment of a civilian government that will lead the country towards democratic transformation and genuine, lasting peace.”

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