When the Armed Movements abandon their people

Safaa Al-Fahal

No one can state with utmost certainty who is the winner or loser during the battles of El-Fasher, and what we know is that the citizen is the only loser, even though the end of those battles may represent different variables, as the conflicting news reported at every moment from both parties to the conflict somewhat obstructs the vision.

The situation remains the same, an attack and pressure from the Rapid Support Forces that gradually manages to infiltrate the city is met with a desperate defense from a few Armed Forces soldiers and their affiliated militias, considering that it is a battle of life or death for them, with the attempts of the (Port-koz) government’s Air Force to save the situation through airdrops or strikes that hit their intended target once and miss a thousand times, relying on the coordinates of their unit inside the city, that cannot address the variables taking place on the battlefield at every moment.

It seems that the war there has entered a horrific level of fighting and escalation declared by both sides, disregarding all local and international appeals for the simple people suffering from hunger, displacement and diseases. What is happening in the city today is conclusive evidence that both parties to the conflict don’t care about anything except achieving victory, even if all civilians inside the city die.

The city means a lot to both sides. To the coup government, it represents a trump card when dealing with the international community, fearing that Gibril and Minnawi forces would withdraw from the battles in Khartoum and the Central regions. These regions falling under the control of the Rapid Support Forces, would prompt them to take over all the western states, which firstly, would render the presence of Sheikh Gibril, Minnawi, other leaders of rebel militias and the National Congress Party as well as the mercenaries who support them in Port-koz meaningless, after they became mayors without lands, and this is supposed to be followed by decisions to remove them from the decision-making center and enter into peace negotiations, which is the difficult decision that the Security Committee is trying to avoid.

Anyone who contemplates the strange situation of the leadership of the rebel Movements in the West, fighting alongside the Armed Forces and Al-Kizan militias in Khartoum and the Center, and still clinging to their presence in those areas without regarding the battles taking place in the West with fear or apprehension of losing their status or natural position, can clearly see leaders who until recently adopted the defense of the people of the West, and managed to become part of the Juba Peace Agreement through this stance, which they are washing their hands of today and clinging to their existence as part of the coup government in a blatant attempt to seek wealth after abandoning all the principles they used to call for, while they were supposed to be the first to call for peace and seek it, if not for the people of the country in general, then for the people of Darfur who are experiencing the greatest suffering in contemporary history.

The war that will undoubtedly end sooner or later has exposed various faces cloaked in the garb of patriotism, from coup leaders within the Armed Forces and the National Congress Party, to the Darfur Movements, which were clearly seeking power and wealth at the expense of the remains of the people of that region.

The war exposed everyone who was once cloaked in the deceptive garb of patriotism. Despite its bitterness, cruelty, and the heavy price paid by the oppressed Sudanese people, it has opened the door wide to creating a new Sudan clear of deception and lies.

The revolution continues and will never stop..
And retribution remains inevitable..
Mercy and forgiveness be upon the righteous martyrs ..

“Al-Jareeda” Newspaper

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