Reflections on martyr Mahjoub Al-Taj killer’s death at the hands of the RSF !

Martyr Mahjoub Al-Taj, a student at the Faculty of Medicine at "Elrazi" University.

On Thursday, in a well-planned ambush, the Rapid Support Forces overthrew the most prominent officers of the National Congress Party in the Intelligence Service, Brig. Gen. Omar Al-Naaman, three members of the Special Operations militia, and some of the mobilized forces, most notably the National Congress Party affiliate “Koz” and the revolution infiltrator, Hatem Mamoun Al-Sheikh.

It is heavenly justice, for even if the killer was able to break the law and escape trial due to the power he once wielded and the power of the institution to which he belongs, such as the Intelligence Service in the case of Brig. Gen. Omar Al-Naaman, God will achieve His justice even if the former resided in fortified towers.

Omar Al-Naaman is one of many accused of killing the young man, a student in his final year at the Faculty of Medicine at “Elrazi” University, the martyr hero “Mahjoub Al-Taj Mahjoub”, may God bless his soul with mercy and forgiveness, and may God disgrace his killers and take revenge on them one by one; Whoever entrapped, deceived, lured, and carried out these atrocities, they are all murderers, upon them be the curse of God in this world and the hereafter, and we shall see them suffer the same fate as the coward Omar Al-Naaman.

The man accused of killing the son of the former “Al-Hilal” player, Captain Al-Taj Mahjoub, was a colonel and was suspended from work and his immunity was lifted during the revolutionary government’s rule, in response to accusation of murder, where the court procedures and evidence were all pointing towards his conviction, but that process was interrupted by Al-Burhan’s coup on the 25th of October 2021, which reinstated all the murderous National Congress Party members, military and civilians, then after igniting the war on the 15th of April 2023, the murderer was promoted to “brigadier general” for his significant efforts in killing and abusing the people, but God’s decrees were faster and heavenly justice was achieved.

As for the other one who was taken out of the theater of operations by the Rapid Support Forces, his story is strange and bizarre. He is the photographer of the revolution -yes- that is what the enthusiastic revolutionaries called him. They didn’t listen to the advice and warnings of those who knew him closely and knew his history of working for an entity affiliated with the Security and Intelligence Service at the time, which reveals the extent to which the glorious December Revolution was infiltrated by the National Congress Party (NCP) and that the conspiracy against it was greater than everyone imagined, until they were able to overthrow it through their “Burhan” and their officers in the Army and in those accused agencies, headed by the Intelligence Agency, which has no function other than torture, rape and murder.

The death of the “Koz,” Security officer, Brig. Gen. Omar Al-Numan, the killer, was a fulfillment of heavenly justice, and a strong divine message to criminals, murderers and scum that none of them will escape punishment, and that God is a mighty avenger.

These cowardly killers were hiding in the homes of citizens in Al-Ray Al-Masry area in Al-Shajara neighborhood, south of Khartoum, using them as sniper platforms. They were under surveillance and monitoring by the Rapid Support Forces, which set up a secure ambush for them and carried out the will of Allah and the law of the heavens, as stated in Surat Al-Ma’idah in the Holy Quran: {And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution.}

The former Security and Intelligence Service, currently the Intelligence Service, is the brutal and murderous security arm of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Kizan), and just as Al-Aziz, Al-Jabbar took revenge on one of the killers of the martyr Mahjoub al-Taj and used the Rapid Support Forces to enforce his justice, the rest of the accused in the same heinous crime will have these just sentences carried out on them sooner or later, and no one will escape retribution.

The killers of the martyred professor Ahmed al-Khair, and the killers of martyr, Al-Amin Muhammad Nour, in the security buildings in Kassala, as well as the killers of hundreds of martyrs whose lives were lost in the buildings of the Intelligence Service since 1989 until now, will not live in peace, they will be hunted down like wild animals, one after the other, it isn’t reasonable to kill innocent people and then successfully evade retribution.

The death of the murderer Brig. Gen. Omar Al-Naaman has gladdened and healed the hearts of a nation of believers. It has gladdened the hearts of the family of the martyred medical student Mahjoub, son of the former “Al-Hilal” player, Al-Taj Mahjoub, the family of the martyred Professor Ahmed Al-Khair, the family of the martyred Dr. Ali Fadl, and the families of the revolutionaries who were killed in the cold-blooded massacre of the General Command sit-in by the elements of Al-Kizan Security Service who were employing snipers to kill from the roofs of the buildings surrounding the sit-in square.

The family of the latest martyr “Al-Amin Mohammed Nour” in Kassala, and other families whose sons were sniped in cold blood by the killers and scum of the world from the vile Kizan, who deserve to be killed without an iota of mercy and compassion. It began with the murderer Omar Al-Naaman and the heavenly justice cannot be stopped by Al-Kizan and no one can ever escape it.

Mercy be upon all our martyrs and shame be upon the killers and criminals.

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