The “NCP” succeeds in preventing “SAF”

from participating "Geneva" talks

Salah Shu’aib


At last, the dissolved National Congress Party and warmongers’ plan succeeded in preventing the Army from attending the “Geneva” talks. The plan began by pushing Al-Burhan first to disregard the American initiative in an attempt to undermine it by shuffling the cards with the help of his allies from the Armed Movements.

What his envoy, Abu Namu, had previously stated about the Army not getting what it wanted in “Jeddah” was part of a play whose director attempted to justify the situation by claiming that there were fundamental reasons preventing the progression towards a settlement of the war.

Clearly, it was an attempt to blatantly deceive the Americans when Al-Burhan chose the Minister of Minerals instead of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or it’s undersecretary, to undertake a matter that was primarily diplomatic in nature.

The seriousness of the discussions in Jeddah, prompted Al-Burhan not to attempt to manipulate his delegation to blow up the idea of the meeting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Army scheduled to be held on the 14th of August. But Al-Burhan’s intention was nothing but to comply with the desire of the National Congress Party to resist the American initiative, and to despise it because the head of the “government” delegation, has no influence, neither at the level of the Army, nor the Port Sudan Authority.

The subsequent statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also came in line with Abu Namu’s tweet in completing the Port Sudan endeavor, which preferred not to end the suffering of the Sudanese in leaving Geneva, at least, with an agreement that helps in relieving the millions threatened by famine, in addition to their suffering in obtaining security, livelihood, medical treatment, educating their children, and adapting to the basic requirements of life, not to mention facing the State’s inability to provide relief to the displaced persons, refugees, and those affected by floods and heavy rains.

Thus, the hopes of most Sudanese people were shattered in the face of the National Congress Party, Islamist groups, and supporters of the war’s desires, those who wished to obstruct the American quest to achieve a ceasefire until they achieve a military victory over the Rapid Support Forces, perhaps after a hundred years, it does not matter.

Those with a sound mind are now clearly aware that the National Congress Party and the warmongers have completely controlled the Army ’s decision. In this situation, Al-Burhan has no room to maneuver to please his regional allies who are keen on the success of the initiative. Perhaps Al-Burhan was simply following the desires of the war instigators who continued to threaten his position if he traveled in person, or sent individuals to represent the Army in the expected meeting between the two warring parties.

In the weeks following the launch of the initiative, we witnessed how the National Congress Party leaders adopted a rather critical tone in regards to the American initiative, where they focused on undermining it due to the risk it poses to their strategy to restore their rule.

In the meantime, these leaders were active in interpreting the meaning of the American initiative negatively, linking it to an attempt by the regional and international community -as they believe- to conspire against the Army, while it is fighting what they call the “War of Dignity”, which is in fact the war of the National Congress Party, and the Sudanese people have nothing to do with it.

In addition, within the conversations of the National Congress Party leaders, they were implicitly threatening Al-Burhan if he disagreed with their vision, and this coincided with glorifying the one they see as an alternative option to him: Yasser Al-Atta.

This failed political approach in dealing with the current Sudanese affairs is of course due to the way the Islamists confronted the challenges they have dealt with in the past, and they are currently active in the media attempting to blind public opinion from understanding the essence of the facts.

Although this method of dealing with the international community has been tried by the Islamists before -and it only led to the disappointment of their efforts to preserve their defunct rule- using it this time will be a disaster for them.

As the international community is trying to activate its logistical capabilities to stop the war under the pretext of saving the humanitarian catastrophe that is being imposed on the Sudanese people. In this instance, the world will put forth efforts -as Tom Perriello stated- to turn to Plan (B) in the event that the two parties don’t agree to put an end to the bloody war.

With Al-Burhan announcing in his speech on the occasion of Armed Forces Day that he wouldn’t attend the “Geneva” talks, the international community has no choice but to escalate the issue of war at the international level.

We believe that the most important step after the Army’s refusal to participate in the “Geneva” talks is to ban its flights in the entire country. As well as work to pave the way for international forces to open humanitarian corridors to provide relief to millions of Sudanese people across the country, and to take other measures to ensure the failure of the Islamists’ conspiracy against the revolution that uprooted them.

This is the main reason for the war, and everything else is merely a reaction to the controversy we have brought the National Congress Party into over the daily events of the war.

We believe that the only solution available now to the international community is to expedite the rescue of the Sudanese people from the humanitarian catastrophe with all the necessary measures, in order to stop the death, deterioration, violations, and destruction of service infrastructure due to the war that the National Congress Party ignited to regain its authority.

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