Khaled Omar Youssef mocks Yasser Al-Atta’s Statements

The leader in the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “TAGADOM” and Vice President of the Sudanese Congress Party, Khaled Omar Youssef, described the statements made by the Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army, Lt. Gen. Yasser Al-Atta, in an interview with “Sudan TV”, as being suitable for comedy material if the country hadn’t been immersed in the tragedy of the ongoing war and its endless sorrows.

While watching the interview, you cannot help but feel sorrowful about the state of the country, as well as be deeply worried because these are the visions and ideas of a person responsible for making fateful decisions in relation to people’s future and livelihoods.

Khaled Youssef stated on his account on the social media platform “X”: “The general appeared to be very confused and kept sending contradictory messages. Sometimes he accuses the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and (TAGADOM) of being responsible for igniting the war and providing cover for the Rapid Support Forces, and then he rushes to contradict himself and state that (95%) of the Rapid Support Forces advisors are members of the National Congress Party and that the officers belonging to the former regime who were referred to retirement after the revolution were absorbed into the Rapid Support Forces. He even goes so far as to say that the Rapid Support Forces and the Islamic Movement are the same entity when commenting on the (Gebeit) drone incident !! Which of the two claims is truthful, Your Excellency, the General ?!”

Youssef pointed out that Al-Atta’s statements reveal the depth of the crisis that the Military Institution is suffering from as it has plenty to say about politics, economics, and society and does everything except for accomplishing the tasks for which it was created originally; to protect the security of the country and its people.

He shared that due to this, the General never gotten around to apologizing for what he had previously promised when announcing that the war will end shortly, starting with his famous theory about the 6-hour war, which he later corrected to announce it will last a week or two, only to later on state it might last 100 years.

Omer Youssef added: “These hundred years, Your Excellency, the General, are paid for every day by a citizen losing their mother, father and brothers, shedding blood and tears over their losses, and nothing can compensate for it. Every hour of these hundred years a citizen is living stranded in exile and displacement, not knowing how to obtain their daily sustenance. These years are paid for by generations deprived of education and treatment and standing on the brink of a comprehensive famine. You don’t feel their pain, but rather seem to enjoy laughing at the destruction you’ve caused with your own hands.”

He continued: “The General accused the leaders of the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) and (TAGADOM) of being agents and traitors, yet he is the same person who had made previous media appearances and testified to their integrity and purity of hand and tongue. Al-Atta knows full well that those he accuses have no bank accounts, homes or real estate they owned throughout their preoccupation with public concerns. Al-Atta needs to take a look around and see today’s allies and friends luxuriating in their corrupt money, which is evident in bank accounts filled with dollars, apartments and real estate in the capitals of the region and the world at large. Al-Atta knows full well that those who were appointed positions during the two years of transitional government in Sudan, managed to leave with clean hands that didn’t extend to take money or lives. These are some of the facts no one can change by spreading lies here and there.”

The Vice President of the Sudanese Congress Party shared that it is rather ironic that the general is accusing the leaders of the Transitional Period of failing to manage the country! When Al-Atta participated in the October 25th Coup, Sudan was enjoying comprehensive peace in which the sounds of guns in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile state were silenced through comprehensive peace operations that came as a result of the glorious December revolution.

He stressed that Sudan had then broken its international isolation, exited the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, assumed the presidency of the (IGAD) organization, and was the subject of world celebration in international forums dedicated to celebrating the successes of the Sudanese revolution, such as the Paris and Berlin Conferences. Sudan ended decades of debt to obtain a full exemption, its economy was improving steadily, and its productive sectors, especially the Agricultural Sector, flourished.

All of this came to a halt with the October 25th Coup, in which Al-Atta participated, turning Sudan into a complete ruin.. War in every corner.. Humiliation and insult for its people.. Asylum and displacement.. Economic collapse.. and Sudan turned into a model of failure and disaster thanks to the management of Al-Atta and his companions. So what failure is the general talking about exactly !?

He went on to explain: “The general’s statements aren’t only a subject of our criticism, as his deviation from the script to utter various statements out of line embarrassed even his companions, and here is the episode in which he spoke being subjected to censorship, cutting off his statement about their reinforcement and global alliances as well as his claims about the talks between Al-Burhan and the President of the United Arab Emirates. Whoever edited these statements from the episode after it was broadcasted for media promotion isn’t from Al-Atta’s enemies’ camp, on the contrary, they’re from a friendly camp. What misery does the general cause to a friend before an enemy whenever he holds the microphone in his hand ?”.

Khaled Omar concluded his statement by wishing that General Yasser Al-Atta would look around him to see the extent of the suffering of the Sudanese people from the ongoing war, hoping that it would move him enough to stay away from going down this nihilistic path. As our country is torn apart, bleeding and cannot bear to withstand such actions and words.

I would -with all sincerity- like to tell him that it’s still possible to save what remains of our shattered homeland, by choosing to participate in the negotiations to stop the war without delay. Truthfully, Your Excellency, the General, nothing is worth this level of destruction. You have talked a lot about governance and authority. “To hell with the power” that destroys the most precious thing we have, which is the homeland.

Stop the war today and let the people of Sudan decide their fate, as they are more knowledgeable about managing their affairs and aren’t waiting for guardianship from any person, be it a civilian or military personnel.

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