The Conspiracy Theory

Safaa Al-Fahal

First and foremost, no one is calling for the collapse of the Sudanese Armed Forces, and that will not happen, but they will become stronger and better organized under a Civilian Rule. However, we will continue to call for the creation of an Army with a national doctrine, removed from the “ideology” and narrow party loyalties, with a mission to protect the constitution and democratic rule, not insistence on ruling the country.

Therefore, the “twisting and turning” and threatening the consequences of this collapse as well as threatening neighboring countries with what awaits them in the event of this collapse, is the current practice of choice for Al-Kizani media these days, inviting much ridicule to their shallow way of thinking, losing its way and attempting to (invent) fantasies of the future, in hopes of breaking the isolation Al-Kizan de facto coup government is experiencing in Port Sudan. In addition to making way for the lords of their blessings from Al-Kizan to return to power, a dream they know is rather impossible.

Prior to this wailing and screaming about the isolation this group is experiencing, we had to first wonder why countries around the world didn’t recognize the de facto government, but rather always dealt with the military coup authority, or what might be called the Armed Forces, as an imposed authority on the Sudanese people (this is not merely a personal opinion bt rather a statements made by the de facto government and its media).

Does this group believe the entire world hates the Sudanese people, so it seeks to destroy its Armed Forces and infrastructure, displace its people, and kill them, or in short, seeks to completely erase the Sudanese State from the map of the globe ? Why would the whole world unite to eliminate the Sudanese people ? It is a question Al-Kizan media insists on evading the answer to.

Only the sick imagination of Al-Kizan media depicts this nonsense. No one is seeking to destroy the Armed Forces, or calling for such an act, but their fear of creating a strong Army, removed from ideology or thoughts of controlling the government through the group they have built within it is what causes them to broadcast such twisted conversations to mislead simple people and indirectly threaten neighboring countries with a conspiracy theory that doesn’t exist in the first place.

The problem of today isn’t the international conspiracy against Sudan, but rather Al-Kizani group hijacking the name of the Armed Forces, running the State and working to eliminate everything that stands in the way of its attempts to control the reins of government, most notably the Civil Forces and the conscious youth of the revolution, which it considers to be the greatest threat to its existence.

It’s also actively trying to evade all platforms that call for stopping the war and restoring democracy, because they don’t have any justifications for remaining in power or continuing an absurd war (as they so kindly recognized), nor can they justify their protection of the symbols of a dictatorial regime against which the people revolted, hence, don’t hold your breath waiting for their response to those platforms.

In conclusion:

Never has a government celebrated and trumpeted the drums of joy as the Port Sudan government did when celebrating the visit of a (Deputy) Foreign Minister.

This is the time mockeries, so do enjoy it, for we ask God to relieve their isolation so that we aren’t forced to witness further humiliations.

The revolution will never stop.

Retribution is a slogan that will never fall.

Mercy and forgiveness be upon the righteous martyrs of the revolution.


Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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