The voice of the people ends the war

Yaaqoub Noreen

Perhaps the 15th of April 2023 war is the only ongoing one since before the independence where the voice of the people was completely hidden with no echos to be heard, even as their suffering doubled with death, displacement, and aimless wandering without direction or guidance.

The people are now divided into two, with no third, either supporting the Army or supporting the Rapid Support Forces. Which begs the question of why do some support the Army, knowing full well this Army doesn’t represent the Sudanese people or their diversity and geographical distribution ? The answer to this question is; the sole beneficiary of this Army is the ruling elite in Sudan. For they possess the true privilege because the Military Academy is specifically tailored to cater to their needs, and the Military Attachés awaits them patiently, and career advancement offers no obstacles.

Most importantly, they are the leadership and above all. Therefore the common and overlapping interests are the bond that continues to exist between the Army and the groups supporting it. A Catholics marriage even took place between the Army and Politicians on the one hand and the parasitic capitalism on the other.

Why do some people support the Rapid Support Forces ? The answer is, the Rapid Support Forces, in the eyes of its supporters currently represents an extension of the national liberation movements in Sudan, which the deep State utilized all its branches and roots to counteract and abort in its infancy.

The Rapid support Forces currently represent the vast majority in Darfur, Kordofan, the Center, the East, and even the people of the North, saving them from the grip of the Central State, which has been oppressing the regions and the people, plundering resources and using them for the sole benefit of its supporters. Hence, blatantly enriching its supporters by impoverishing others and keeping them in power even after they killed, displaced, and destroyed the capabilities of the country and the people.

Today, the Rapid Support Forces is in control of more than (80%) of the regions enriched with enormous resources, in addition to having supporters and advocates who represent the majority of the people.

The absence of a middle ground in this war represents the difference between those who seek to build a homeland that caters to all, with equality in rights and duties amongst the people on the one hand, and those who devote themselves to the historical hegemony and tyranny of an elite that has failed to build the homeland everyone dreams of, on the other hand.

The Army supporters’ claims that classify anyone as a traitor, an agent, and a sellout are no more than an attempt to sweep this Army’s corruption and its leadership’s misdeeds under the rug.

As a citizen, you have the right to express your opinion without fear of facing accusations or being labeled one thing or another. For situations make men, and sometimes men create situations.

You must determine your position as a citizen, without bias. Remaining silent won’t help with the nation’s issues.

Perhaps you will find iam not inclined to blame the people for their stance and silence towards the ongoing war, especially those who were afflicted by the flames of war when it first broke out in Khartoum. These people are powerless, and if I voiced any blame, it will be directed to those outside of Sudan, as they have also fell victims to the ideology of labeling, intimidation, and uttering suspensions of treachery.

In addition, the defunct Inqaz regime, which was ousted by the glorious December Revolution, domesticated the Sudanese Communities abroad and made them liable to do its bidding, for its sole benefit, as we have witnessed how they were used to obtain votes in its rigged elections.

The Inqaz regime succeeded in inserting its membership of climbers and sycophants into the body of the executive offices of the Sudanese Communities, which sentenced the Communities to a life of revolving in the orbit of what the regime wanted, paying no mind to serving the members of the Communities or the nation.

On the contrary, the communities were used to support the so-called War Effort in their wars that wrecked hovac. The ongoing war isn’t too far from being of their cunning and planning to humiliate the people and “Either Sudan is exactly how we want it to be, or there will be no Sudan at all”, as Al-Kabashi so helpfully stated.

After the fall of the regime, the free Sudanese patriots should’ve said No to War and followed these words with action, but they chose to remain silent either because they identified with the war advocates’ claims that it was a War of Dignity or they were influenced by what the media fools claim about this war being against the rebellion.

Whatever the case may be, history will remember such shameful attitudes from people who live in peace and security, while their homeland and families are subjected to the Kizani war.

The Sudanese abroad have significant roles to play, from organizing processions and protests, to handing over memorandums to International Institutions, in which they loudly declare, “No to War.”

Some might believe they’re at peace as long as they are outside the country, but we would like to tell them that your safety lies in the safety of the homeland.

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