Do you wish to return home?
Abdul Hafeez Maryoud

How badly does it hurt you that you aren’t there? Practicing your daily beloved activities? Do you miss friends? The smell of the trees in your house? The taste of coffee at the markets nearest to you? Are you sad? Angry? Sorrowful? Shattered?
Well then..
How is the way home?
I will tell you..
“Oh the way to our home..
“Oh the darkness, oh the journey.”
My friend, the director, Mahmoud Abdullah, entered our house in Omdurman, Aburov, Al-Shajara market. He was filming a video after the Army “Liberated” old Omdurman. In the video, a missile fell, demolishing the old part of the house, while the rest went up in flames. Two spacious rooms, a balcony, a kitchen, and then a small room in the back yard. This part is very dear to me. I should probably -according to popular belief- investigate: Did the missile fall from the side of the Army, or the Rapid Support Forces? Then I ought to hold the party that destroyed the house responsible, curse, wail and howl.
But what benefit could i gain from knowing which side was responsible?
The first thing that comes to your mind will be to form a plan of anger and revenge. To find an easy way to arrest the “Janjaweed”, or wipe them off the face of the earth. Why? Because they are the unusual face in your life as you know it. As you grew up, studied, became an adult, married and gave birth without ever hearing about something called “The Rapid Support Forces.” You didn’t encounter it in the school curriculum, you didn’t hear about it in the national anthems, you didn’t see it on television until recently. They are a new phenomenon introduced to your life…
And this new phenomenon -specifically- is the same one that committed war crimes in Darfur, since 2003. It is the very same one to abuse the tribes of African origin in Darfur. It is the one to disperse the Sit-in before the Army General Command Headquarters, and it is the one to initiate the war, loot your home after forcing you to leave, rape your neighbors’ daughters -not your daughters, sisters, mother, or relatives- because the act of rape -usually- falls on others, not “on us”…
Therefore, it is perfectly natural for you to stand with your Army, against this phenomenon “that you don’t know”, against the stranger. And against any shameful, bad, immoral act that was necessarily committed by this stranger.
Do you see ?
You will stand with the Army against the stranger, the unexpected. You will give the Army everything you have left. You will push your child -if you and your family haven’t sought refuge in Egypt or elsewhere – as well as your brother’s son, your sister’s son, to join the training camps, and you will be happy, seeing them participate in operations as part of the Mobilized forces fighting alongside the Army to liberate the country.
It is only natural -given the circumstances- that your Army will succeed in liberating the country, the Police will manage to return the stolen items to you, and you will be compensated. You will be ecstatic to hear on the news that the death sentence of the leaders of the Rapid Support was carried out. But when you wait for (14) months and nothing happens, you ought to wonder. This is merely my suggestion.
Because it is natural -as well- to give your Army a chance. Some will tell you “We stand with the Army, even if there was one boot left”… And the Army Commander may give you cause to rejoice with his latest speech in El-Manaqil: “We will keep fighting until the last soldier”, without realizing the implicit admission of defeat in his statement. In similar fashion, his assistant Commander, General Yasser Al-Atta, stated: “Even if El-Fasher falls”.
Well then…
You are inseparable from your indoctrination. You have been “refined… molded… programmed” since your birth, through school curricula, television, radio, poetry, celebrations, to be as “normal”. Because -if you aren’t – then you are a traitor, a mercenary, a barbarian, an agent, an affiliate of “FFC”, a part of the “RSF”, a “fifth” column… etc.
And your little heart -of course- cannot bear to be classified as such. Your social status doesn’t allow it, and so on.
Do you see ?
It will certainly warm your heart that Sudan is being targeted by numerous countries. This is out of greed for Sudan’s enormous wealth, for its capabilities…or out of sheer envy of these countries. You might be even naive enough to think “They are envious of our religion” without wondering: Why would kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, or the Gulf States, for example, envy us? Is it because we are more religiously inclined than them? Richer than them? More advanced than them? Whilst of course, the State of Qatar wouldn’t do the same. It will donate equipment and a new passport system, and will provide us with generous aid, because it is a “fraternal country,” while the others are agents.
When you return home, you must put aside what you have been taught. To come out of the shell of illusions. No one is envious of you. You’re not that special. No one covets your possessions. You should ask questions, not avoid them. No one will liberate your country, while you and your family reside outside Sudan, waiting for “others” to get the job done. Even if those “others” are “the Sudanese Army, Security Service, Police, Mobilized forces”, why would you want others to die, in your stead, so that you can return to your home?
Why isn’t everyone going back home?
Have you thought about that?
The path to your home is the same for everyone. The path of achieving peace..
War, “Bal bas – Military resolution only”, is a bumpy, lengthy, arduous and destructive road… It will never bring you back… Won’t rebuild what was destroyed in your home… It won’t restore your stolen properties… Your looted car won’t be returned by Lt. Gen. Al-Kabbashi from West Africa… Don’t put faith in such illusions.
Be able to ask the right questions…
“The Rapid Support Forces started the war and ignited it to establish the kingdom of Al Daglo in Sudan”.
Well then…
Where was the Army when such events were taking place, and what was it doing? Don’t we pay the Army to guard us? So that war doesn’t happen?
What is this?