Al-Nayer: Sudan became a haven for terrorism and “ISIS” affiliates

The official spokesman for the Sudan Liberation Movement / Army, Mohammed Abdul-Rahman Al-Nayer, condemned the crime of mutilating the body of a Sudanese citizen in a heinous manner by Sudanese Army soldiers.
He stated that the shameful circulated video about the crime of mutilating the body of a Sudanese citizen in a heinous manner, exposes the true face of political Islam. Al-Nayer added that these atrocities have been committed thousands of times before in South Sudan, the Nuba Mountains, the Blue Nile and Darfur by these ISIS members, sometimes in the name of Islam and other times in the name of Arabism.
He continued, “It is time for the free people in Sudan and the world at large to wake up and confront the ISIS extremism by all means necessary and pursue the leaders of the terrorist brigades as well as the ousted regime’s holdouts, wherever they might be.”
He stressed that this is a battle to restore the dignity of the Sudanese people and put an end to the expansion of terrorist movements in Africa through Sudan, which has become a haven for ISIS and terrorism.