The Drones attack exacerbates Army’s
disputes and results in arrest of an officer and individuals

On Tuesday, four drones targeted the 3rd Infantry Division’s headquarters, the Military Airport, in addition to the ammunition and supplies stores in the city of Shendi, River Nile state.
According to sources, the attack took place a few hours following the departure of Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the Commander-in-Chief of the “hijacked/seized army.”
There have been conflicting reports regarding the magnitude of the losses as well as the extent of damages. Sources reported that the army was keeping quiet about military casualties, killed in the bombing “carried out by an unknown source,” and the occurrence of injuries. That very same sources linked the attack to disagreements within the military institution, especially following the theft and disappearance of weapons and ammunition from inside the 3rd Infantry division’s headquarters, as well as to Al-Burhan’s visit, which came in the aftermath of his Assistant Yasser Al-Atta’s visit.
Al-Atta is close to the leadership of the extremist Islamic organization led by former Popular Defense official Ali Karti and Al-Bara’ Brigade, that is composed of the Islamist’s boys and is assisted by terrorist groups from Somalia as well as “ISIS.”
In similar context, informed sources in the city of Shendi divulged about chaos and confusion among the army and ousted regime’s holdouts due to the intense attack on a number of military sites, causing significant losses in lives and equipment.
The source reported that the army command in the city of Shendi imprisoned an officer with a lieutenant rank, who used to be in charge of the radars. In addition to arresting a number of individuals who were part of his crew.
Additionally, the source indicated that the arrests included a number of individuals affiliated with Military Intelligence.
Noting that fear and panic struck the city and caused large numbers of citizens to flee to other areas, amidst warnings of an imminent attack on the city, which they said is no longer safe.
During the month of April, several drone attacks occurred, including the bombing of an iftar held by “Al-Bara’ Brigade” in the city of Atbara, which resulted in the deaths and injury of dozens of people. The drones also targeted sites in the city of El-Gedaref.