SAF confiscates the property of the head of SCoP in Um Rawaba

Reliable sources reported that the Sudanese Armed Forces’ Military Intelligence confiscated the home, school, and car of Hatem Mirghani, head of the Sudanese Congress Party (SCoP), in the city of Umm Rawaba, North Kordofan state.

Hatem Mirghani Abdel Rahman owns the “Neem Net” school chain in Umm Rawaba.

Following the Sudanese Army’s entry into Umm Rawaba, along with the Army’s allied groups, activists circulated a photo documenting the Islamic Movement’s brigades, in cooperation with the Sudanese Army, slaughtering the Director of Education in the Central Rural District of Umm Rawaba, Al-Tayeb Abdullah. Additionally, they prevented others from approaching his body for hours.

Activists on social media warned of the inevitable consequences of targeting civilians on charges of belonging to or cooperating with the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), stressing the need to avoid involving civilians in military confrontations.

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