Amjad Farid’s False Statement… Mohamed Farouk’s Enemies!

Ali Ahmed

“He has completely fallen into their arms.”

A friend of mine once said while reading a statement issued on March 12th, signed by friends and comrades of Sudanese activist Mohamed Farouk Salman. With his cleverness, intelligence, and insight, the friend discovered that the statement was written by a single person, who bore the “essence” of Amjad Farid. Following the provision of evidence, clues, and hard truth, it was revealed that the author was indeed that person.

The statement is poorly worded and poorly crafted. It has no connection to the aforementioned Sudanese activist, but is directed against the sisterly United Arab Emirates at the behest of “Egyptian parties.” This agitated Amjad, as usual, is simply a cheap prop in this context.

Amjad’s statement was met with a significant amount of condemnation and denial, even from Mohamed Farouk’s family. His wife, the virtuous Mrs. Amani Ujaymi, issued a clarification in which she stated that she and her family are highly regarded and respected in the UAE. She reassured everyone that she was in contact with her husband, who, according to her, is well and in good health. Thus, dismissing the statements of the lying traitor, confronting his blatant attempt to exploit her husband’s case for schemes or political score-settling matches.

Thus, this “scoundrel,” who assumed the identity of Mohamed Farouk’s “comrades and friends,” was exposed before the public eye, a mere forger and impostor of no substantial value. How could he possibly have any value when he failed to scourge a single friend or companion to stand by him and issue a statement denouncing the Egyptian authorities when the latter staged his arrest a year or more ago, in a peculiar play, the truth of which only God knows!

The author of the statement is deliberately seeking to fabricate lies in his attack on the UAE. The UAE has not arrested or harassed any Sudanese citizen, neither before nor after the war. In fact, the appreciation and respect Sudanese people receive in the UAE far exceeded the standards they enjoyed even in their home country. As for the fabrications regarding the Emergency Committees being harassed, a mere lie, no more. Abu Dhabi embraces all individuals fleeing the accursed Sudanese war, regardless of their political orientations or affiliations, and whether they are members of Emergency Committees, Aid Committees, or ordinary citizens. Indeed, it is the only country in the world that has stood with Sudanese fleeing the war, supporting them, granting them free, complimentary residency (known as “the humanitarian residency”), in addition to allocating monthly stipends and food supplies to those in need. What country in the world has done that?

In any case, if Amjad Farid is truly concerned about the human rights situation of Sudanese migrants, he should start by addressing the rights of Sudanese in Egypt, where he lives, and report to the world how the authorities there deals with the subject of granting them residency in an arbitrary manner, flouting the Four Freedoms Agreement.

Those -however miraculously- granted residency, can only enjoy it for the period of (6) months, three of which are spent completing procedures, during which they are subjected to “arrest” campaigns, where the Sudanese are hounded through the streets of the working-class neighborhoods of Cairo and other cities like rats. Despite the aforementioned, the Sudanese citizens are forced to pay residency fees in dollars, to the point where Sudanese refugees have become a source of Egyptian national income and a source of hard currency for the Central Bank of Egypt.

At this juncture, it is permissible to pose the question: Why doesn’t Amjad Farid issue a public statement about the grave violations committed against Sudanese by Egyptian Security Forces, when they raid their homes, plunder their dollars, and confiscate them after filing false reports against them for currency trading?

The most serious human rights violation, deliberately ignored by Amjad Farid, an agent of the Intelligence Services in both countries —and one he will never be able to write about— is the violation of refugee rights by Egyptian Security Authorities. As the refugee card no longer protects refugees, but rather becomes a burden on them. Because the mere existence of it in their possession can lead to their deportation from Egypt, despite the Geneva Convention.

It all pales in comparison to what the Sudanese people are subjected to in Police Stations, where their humanity is violated, humiliated, tortured, and detained in miserable conditions. They are deported to the border in trucks originally used for transporting livestock, all of which takes place after collecting their wages. Then they are thrown into the desert like stray dogs. Yet Amjad remains silent, doesn’t speak, and neither does he see or hear.

Amjad Farid, it is enough for the UAE, its people, and its government that the Sudanese people fleeing the ongoing war feel safe and at peace there, that they enjoy similar rights to those of fellow UAE citizens before the law. Not only the Sudanese, but Egyptians also find a sense of security and peace they cannot find in their own home country. You may ask the Egyptian who employs you, for he knows best.

As for implicating (Sumoud), Dr. Abdullah Hamdok, Al-Degair, Taha Ishaq, and Nasreddin Abdel Bari, all of which are pure lies and cheap pretense that people have grown rather tired of. They know full well that all of them, without exception, are purer, more honorable, more honest, more upright, and more patriotic than a cheap traitor like yourself, Amjad Farid. You are known for your baseness, vileness, bad morals and upbringing, as well as filthy origins. You are the only Sudanese man in the four corners of the earth who beats women. Your mother —God forbid— wasn’t spared tge tragedy before your ex-wife. That is enough of a disgrace.

And, O Allah, we are fasting.

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