Sudan Founding Alliance emphasizes the establishment
of a secular, democratic, decentralized State

Nairobi: Abdul Rahman Al-‘Ajib
The Sudan Founding Charter emphasized the establishment and building of a secular, democratic, decentralized State, based on freedom, equality and justice, and isn’t biased towards any cultural, ethnic, religious or regional identity, recognizes diversity and expresses country’s components on an equal footing. The Charter stressed the establishment of the Sudanese State on the principle of voluntary unity of its peoples and regions, ensuring just and peaceful coexistence in addition to the freedom of choice.
The Charter included that “In the event of non-recognition or stipulation of secularism, which separates religion from the State, in the transitional constitution and the future permanent constitution, or in case of a violation of any other supra-constitutional principle, all Sudanese peoples have the right to exercise the right to self-determination),” in addition, the Charter approved the prohibition of the establishment of any party or political organization on a religious basis, or organizing political advertising on a religious or racial basis.
The Charter emphasized the necessity of establishing a new, unified, professional and national Army with a new military doctrine that reflects the diversity and pluralism that characterize the Sudanese State. From the first day of its establishment the new Army is subject to civilian oversight and control, and its composition reflects all the regions of Sudan on the basis of fair population distribution, as it ought to be independent of any ideological loyalty or political, partisan, regional or tribal affiliation. The Army’s role is limited to protecting the country, its lands and national Sovereignty, preserving the democratic regime, ensuring that human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected, protecting the constitutional system, without any interference in political or economic affairs.
In regards to the system of governance in Sudan, the Charter stressed that it should be democratic and pluralistic, in which the people choose who governs them through free and fair elections, establishing a truly decentralized system of governance based on recognizing the inherent right of all regions to manage their political, economic and cultural affairs, especially at the local level, to ensure the broad and fair participation of the popular bases at all levels of power, as well as achieve balanced development and fair distribution of power and wealth, with fair representation at the national level.
The Charter reaffirmed that equal citizenship is the basis of constitutional rights and duties without any discrimination on the basis of religion, culture, ethnicity, language, region, social or economic status, disability or any form of discrimination. Additionally, the Charter stressed that the Sudanese identity should be based on the facts of the historical and contemporary diversity of the Sudanese State, within the context of the new Sudan based on the foundations of freedom, justice and equality. As diversity should be a source of cultural and social wealth as well as a bond that establishes peaceful coexistence. This social bond of unity in diversity is based on the voluntary choice and free will of the Sudanese people.
The Charter emphasized the dissolution and dismantling of the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Islamic Movement, their associations, organizations and fronts, and the confiscation of all their properties, funds and shares, whether in their name or in the name of any of their associations, fronts or organizations, in favor of the Ministry of Finance and National Economy, combating corruption and recovering public funds and properties obtained through illegal means at home and/or abroad, in addition to establishing the principles of transparency and economic accountability, with the development of mechanisms and institutions that specialize in organizing the aforementioned points.
The Sudan Founding Charter included the establishment of a professional Police Force that reflects in its formations all the regions of Sudan according to a fair and balanced distribution, one that is committed to neutrality and independence, has no ideological, partisan, regional or tribal loyalty, and assumes its responsibilities in protecting citizens and State institutions, enforcing the law, upholding the democratic regime, ensuring respect for human rights, and consolidating the rule of law, according to professional standards that guarantee integrity, transparency and justice.
The Charter approved the establishment of an independent professional Security and Intelligence Service, not subject to any ideological, political, partisan, regional or tribal loyalty, and whose formations reflect the population balance between all regions of Sudan. Its role is limited to collecting and analyzing information to protect Sudan’s internal and external security, providing and presenting said information to the relative authorities, preserving the democratic regime, and upholding human rights and the rule of law, within the framework of transparency, accountability and respect for the Constitution.
The Charter included the establishment of a new Civil Service managed in accordance with the standards of competence, professionalism and nationalism, ensuring fair distribution of opportunities at all levels among the Sudanese people without discrimination. It adopts transparent structures for recruitment and promotion, upholds the principle of equal opportunities, as well as promotes good governance to ensure the effectiveness of institutions that serve the national interest and protect the rights of all citizens.
The Charter emphasized the necessity of adhering to justice and historical accountability, to end impunity by prosecuting all those who committed crimes against the homeland and citizens, human rights violations in particular, to restore confidence in the Judiciary and State Agencies by ensuring their independence and effectiveness in implementing the law. In addition to emphasizing the necessity of strict adherence to the principle of the rule of law and justice for victims, extraditing all individuals wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC), and creating appropriate conditions for the return of displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and immigrants to their areas with dignity and safety.
In regards to foreign relations, the Charter stipulated that Sudan would adopt a foreign policy based on defining and presenting Sudan to the world as a Sudanese State characterized by diversity and pluralism, based on protecting the interests of its peoples, respecting its voluntary unity and national Sovereignty through commitment to the principle of good neighborliness, non-interference in the affairs of other countries, rejecting aggression in all its forms, combating terrorism, extremism and cross-border crimes, in addition to contributing to strengthening regional and international security and peace.
The Charter called for the establishment of balanced relations based on mutual respect and common interests, promoting international and regional integration and cooperation, using peaceful means to resolve disputes while adhering to international agreements and charters that are consistent with the interests of the Sudanese peoples, respecting the Sovereignty of States over their own resources and wealth. The Charter stipulated as well that the State should exercise its Sovereignty on behalf of the Sudanese people over the territory, natural resources, airspace, and territorial waters, in a manner that ensures the preservation of political and economic independence as well as the protection of the interests of the Sudanese people without discrimination.