Abbakar Wad Ali.. Bullets whiz by to the tune of:
On the way to liberate public life, not the General Command HQ

Abdul Hafeez Maryoud
In a moment of bitter despair, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, the head and founder of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), had to lead the “Long Arm Operation” to invade Omdurman. He probably knew that his adventure would crash on the rocks of the political and military reality of the salvation (Inqaz) regime. However, it was necessary. Because, since the “Torit Rebellion” –as Sudanese political literature calls it– Khartoum found itself facing not only a comprehensive military invasion. But was –throughout its years as the capital of the country– exporting legalized violence to all parts of Sudan, while enjoying its elegant peace.
Khartoum has suffered two shocking invasions since it was decorated the capital of the country by Beringi, the ruler of Sudan in the early days of Turkish rule. The first invasion was by the Mahdist armies. The second was by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), when the Islamists decided to launch a speedy war to eliminate the former and annul the Framework Agreement in April (2023). The Long Arm Operation by Dr. Khalil Ibrahim can be classified as a security disturbance, similar to the “Mercenary Movement” led by the National Front in (1976). A limited disturbance, that doesn’t amount to the level of becoming a “Theater of operations”, similar to what took place in (2023).
On a later date, when Dr. Khalil Ibrahim lost his life, crowned with glory, in the areas of (Wad Banda), in Kordofan. Some of the (Kababish) were dancing in jubilation in “Hamrat Al-Sheikh”. Celebrating his death. We were in the area, making a documentary for (Al Jazeera). A phrase from the song, the chant, celebrating his death stuck in my mind. The phrase called the Justice and Equality Army (the Army of the Slave, Khalil). Dr. Khalil Ibrahim was summarized and reduced in that chant to being a mere “slave”. Nothing more.
Our dear friend, the writer and political analyst, Mohamed Al-Mabrouk, with roots in the Kababish desert, describes the imminently formed peace government as (The separatist government of Daglo-Ta’aishi). He is referring to Mohamed Hassan Ta’aishi, not Khalifa Ta’aishi. In his “analysis” of the reasons behind the division of (Tagadom), he goes on to say that “The northern elements will find themselves in an unfamiliar territory”. Therefore, they won’t necessarily have a pleasant stay in the land of (Dagalo – Ta’aishi), and they will return to (the bosom of the homeland).
Do you see ?
Mohamed Al-Mabrouk -naturally- had no verified knowledge about any “separatist intentions” in regards to the expected government. As no documents have been issued yet about it, which the analyst can conclude about its separatism. The issue of self-determination has yet to be raised in the ongoing war. However, the political pollution created by the elite that has continued to inherit power since the independence of this country will attract Al-Mabrouk to fall into their clutches. This is because any act outside (the spatial jurisdiction of the government), if it is permissible to use the terminology of the legal experts, is -necessarily- an act of (rebellion, regionalism, tribalism, racism, separatism). The researcher and analyst shouldn’t look too deep. There are ready-made classifications. He only needs to choose one, copy and paste it wherever is appropriate.
If our artist friend, Mohamed Al-Mabrouk, had taken his time, looked carefully (look again, Abd-Qais, perhaps…), as the poet said, he would have realized that the Kababish desert –and not the remote areas of Kordofan and Darfur– since April (2023), has had no “government”. Forget the successive history of national governments. Currently, the so-called government of Al-Burhan has no authority across the length and breadth of the desert. For its run by the wise men of the Native Administration and the Rapid Support Forces’ four-wheel vehicles. The situation does necessitate the existence of a government, does it not ? In an urgent manner as well, without any delays !
Is our friend Mohamed Al-Mabrouk really unable to comprehend that there is a comprehensive change in the rules of war and politics in Sudan, as many others fail to do, and he is a man who doesn’t lack in intelligence and perception ?
The Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), Al-Burhan hasn’t been able to return to his office in the Military’s General Command Headquarters for nearly two years. Additionally, he hasn’t been able to enter the Presidential Palace. Because the ongoing war that broke out in April (2023) is an unusual development in regards to Sudan’s wars since its independence. The Sudanese Army leaders have yet to grasp the true meaning of that statement. They are still floundering, along with the Islamist battalions and the Security Agencies, rejoicing in the victories of “liberating” Omdurman, Singa, Al-Suki, Wad Medani, and Bahri. They have yet to experience the new wave of war. The next few months -if not weeks- will reveal that truth. This is a purely military issue.
At the same time, the politicians -(the National-People’s-Congress affiliates)- along with the members of the former political club, failed to understand that the reins of the political game had slipped from their grasp. As they’re planning an advancement according to the old rules. This -in particular- is what led to the division of (Tagadom), not the calculations of the people from north and west of the country. The current political moment is impeded in the boldness of this step. If Al-Burhan’s Army still believe they understand how to wage war better than others, which is a mistake that will lead to their imminent end; then the members of the political club will soon find themselves out of the game as a result of adhering to traditional methods.
A government will be established.
The majority of Sudan’s neighbors, and most African countries, will recognize it. The European Union, and some countries of the world will recognize it as well. Can anyone argue (the illegitimacy of Al-Burhan’s government ?) Surely, that will be a Byzantine argument. It goes without saying, that someone should take the initiative and confront the systematic bombing of cities and villages by Al-Burhan’s Army aircrafts, including “Hamrat Al-Sheikh”. And someone should teach people that identification documents are an inherent right for any Sudanese citizen, and that no one should be deprived of their right to obtain them. Its not a bestowal from Al-Burhan or anyone else.
The pollution of (the geographical jurisdiction of the government) in Sudan will erode and become more limited. It ought to do so, gradually, by changing the rules of the game. The rules of the war will change as well. This isn’t the war of the south. Nor is it the war of Abdul Wahid, Minnawi or Khalil. These are the inevitabilities of history. Because not every time, the jar will be remain unscathed.
And the (Daglo-Ta’aishi) government isn’t a separatist government.
Only time will tell.