JEM condemns the Sudanese Army’s terrorist operations

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) condemned the brutal killings and beheading of civilians by members of the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), and described the Sudanese Army’s slaughter of the Director of Education in (Um Rawaba) Locality in North Kordofan state, where they separated the martyr’s head from the rest of his body as a terrorist act, ethnic cleansing and genocide.
The Justice and Equality Movement shared in a statement today that the Sudanese Army -hijacked by the remnants of the defunct regime and its allied terrorist battalions, committed a crime that shook the conscience of humanity and the citizens of (Um Rawaba) locality, by slaughtering the teacher and educator of generations, Ahmed A’beid Allah, separating his head from the rest of his body.
The statement added, “This behavior adopted by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) alongside the extremist battalions has never been committed even by extremist terrorist organizations,” and stated that, however, it isn’t -necessarily- a strange phenomenon when it comes to them, adding: “Their dark history is filled with serious violations and killings based on race and color, in addition to ethnic cleansing and genocide, which contradicts all heavenly religions, the laws of nature, as well as laws and international treaties related to the rights of POWs and the protection of civilians in conflict zones.”
The Justice and Equality Movement condemned, in a strongly-worded statement, the liquidations and horrific killings, and considered such behavior to be an alien concept in regards to the wars in Sudan, that only invites more violence, revenge and hateful racial discrimination, which threatens the unity and stability of the country.
In its statement, the Justice and Equality Movement stressed that the current military establishment, hijacked by the National Congress Party (NCP) and its affiliated Islamic Movement, consists of a group of criminals, murderers and butchers who have grown accustomed to killing the Sudanese people since the former’s inception, indicating the ignition of internal civil wars, as well as the blatant enjoyment of torture, kidnapping, brutal killing and humiliation of the Sudanese people. The statement went on to add that the Sudanese Army and its allied militias committed crimes of burying citizens alive in the early nineties, and because of its bad and blood-stained history, it contributed to the separation of a dear part of the homeland.
The Movement reiterated that the hijacked Sudanese Army abandoned its constitutional mission and favored the formation of tribal militias to fight on its behalf, while its leaders were preoccupied with the pursuit of trade and racing towards embassies for diplomatic representation. The Justice and Equality Movement believed the crimes of beheading innocent citizens, dragging, disembowelment and smashing heads -all documented and recorded crimes- as well as their perpetrators will be brought to fair trials.
Moreover, in cooperation with parties keen on the interests of the homeland and the citizen, the Movement stated that a peace government would be formed, which will naturally prioritize stopping the war, ensuring civilian protection, providing humanitarian assistance, restoring legitimacy and Sudan’s position amidst the international community, in addition to restoring the democratic civil path paving the way for a comprehensive political process that ends all wars in Sudan. The Movement also seeks to restore the constitutional rights of the Sudanese people and lay the first building blocks for building a new Sudan.
The Justice and Equality Movement offered its condolences to the family of the martyr, Ahmed A’beid Allah in (Um Rawaba) locality, and all the families of the victims who fell as a result of the brutal and horrific crimes committed by the Sudanese Army and its allied forces from terrorist battalions, tribal groups, and mercenary Movements, who sold the blood of their martyred comrades in order to change this murderous regime, the regime of genocide and apartheid adopted by the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Islamic Movement.