The wretched Minnawi.. A nature that exposes the cultivation
Ali Ahmed

I have yet to encounter a trait classified in the customs of all humanity, as in the heavenly religions and general moral principles, as reprehensible and disgraceful, that wasn’t embodied in the leader of the so-called Sudan Liberation Movement Army, Minni Arcua Minnawi.
And because nature prevails over cultivation, the man took a deep dive beneath his position and degraded himself in the program presented by “Ahmed Taha” on the Qatari Al-Jazeera satellite channel, prompting me to believe he was born in “Hell Street”, which, for those unfamiliar with it, is a world-famous Thai street that encompasses all the baseness and vulgarity of the universe!
And “Minni Arcua” spared no one of his accusations and insults. In addition to the Secretary-General of the Sudanese Congress Party, Khaled Omar, he aimed his arrows directly at the Chadian President Mohamed Idriss Déby, as if he wished for him to abandon being a head of State who protects the interests of his people as well as his country’s international and regional relations that are based on interests first and foremost, for the sake of an armed family belonging to the same ethnic group as him, calling itself the “Sudan Liberation Movement Army.”
This Movement practices mercenary work and offers its rifle for hire to the highest bidder. Ask “Khalifa Haftar,” the Islamists, Gosh, Al-Burhan, and that obscure journalist affiliated with the Military intelligence.
Minnawi made an appearance on Al-Jazeera’s program, as usual, in a very shabby appearance, and began – like a bull in a china shop – to flail in every direction, with absolutely no respect for sanctity, religion, or morals. He sounded like a reckless person, and he is, no doubt. For without so much as batting an eye, he confirmed what the aforementioned journalist had stated, in regards to his gang blackmailing the government of (Portkizan), demanding sums of money and official positions of power in order to continue fighting the war, or else they’ll be inclined to stop if the price of wasn’t paid. What could possibly be more mercenary than that?!
The man made his appearance on the program with a scowling, sullen face, and his speech was characterized by roughness, rudeness, distortion of facts, and telling blatant lies, all of which are despicable qualities, as we mentioned earlier.
When Minnawi accuses the Coordination-body of the Democratic and Civil Forces “Tagadom” of receiving money from abroad, he ought to provide proof -evidence and documents- at the very least for making such claims, as the Military Intelligence journalist did in regards to her statements about him.
At the same time, he must deny – if he can – claims of his Movement profiting from mercenary work in Libya, renting its rifle to the highest bidder. In addition, he ought to deny -if he can- negotiating with the Rapid Support Forces for a lump sum of money in order to fight alongside them. And when the (RSF) refused to pay, he threw himself in the arms of the Islamist extremists, and embraced the Army Commander-in-Chief, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan through a contract.
I have seen, heard from and met individuals who disagreed with Eng. Khaled Omar Youssef, however, none of them ever doubted his morals, patriotism, integrity, and virtue. He agrees and disagrees mindfully, and no matter how much he disagrees with others, he limits the disagreement to issues, not people, and he doesn’t strike in prohibited and sensitive areas. More importantly, he never carried a gun, intent to destroy his country, conspire against it, and sell his conscience to foreigners as a cross border mercenary.
There is a significant difference between someone who possesses the morals of knights and another stained with the shame of being a mercenary!
Perhaps it goes without saying that Minnawi, because he is an ignorant, vulgar, and simple-minded person, when he tried to spread his wings globally, he used obscene words to address the American Administration, and stated that the latter always supports (the deviants). Perhaps he meant homosexuals.
This doesn’t necessarily imply a position of acceptance or rejection of them -from me- however, each place has a language and sanctity. Perhaps his knowledge of the Arabic language failed him, which isn’t a flaw, for he ought to speak in his mother tongue and demand the presence of a translator into Arabic, which he doesn’t speak very well. So why does he insist on using it ?
A friend of mine once told me that the man might have meant “outliers” and the Arabic language failed him, but I believe otherwise, that he meant the word itself. Which is an excess use of obscenity and vulgarity. However, who would expect sensitivity from an ignorant, mercenary for hire, who gained his value among the people by using his rifle?
As for the story of (the Forces of Freedom and Change – FFC) administration of the transitional period leading to the war, this is the height of lies and triviality. Because the party responsible for igniting the war is undoubtedly well-known.
He is one of the major contributors to igniting the accursed war, and then participating in it later. As he incited Al-Burhan against the government of Abdullah Hamdok in the infamous (banana) sit-in, and he is -currently- fighting in exchange for monetary compensation as a professional mercenary who is neither ashamed or embarrassed.
Admittedly, this article is heavy and far from entertaining, as writing about this ignorant person provokes nothing except spittle and disgust. And people, as the Arabs used to say, brag about their opponents, and our opponent is (Minni)!
What a shame.