Taha Osman writes about Al-Burhan’s use of Bashar
Al-Assad as an example after the coup

The leader in the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), Taha Osman Ishaq, stated that the Army Commander-in-Chief, Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, following the October 25th Coup, told them he is capable of replicating the situation of Syria in Sudan, boasting that after destroying the country he will retain power.
Taha Osman added that the conversation took place during the meetings to discuss the Framework Agreement, the necessity of continuing to adhere to the agreement, sign it, and avoid confrontation with the Rapid Support Forces.
According to Taha, Al-Burhan stated during that meeting “The world will deal with him the same way it dealt with Bashar, because eventually the world was forced to interact with Bashar as the president of Syria and his regime as well.”
Taha Osman addressed the Army Commander-in-Chief with a question, “How did Bashar end up, Burhan?” He added, “Tyrants always meet a similar end, no matter how much external support or backing one finds, regardless of the weapons in possession, because the sole supporter and backer -that matters- is the public, as well as the stability in a democratic civil rule.”
He continued in his address to Al-Burhan, “You still have a chance to end the war, wake up from your father’s -and your own- dreams of ruling Sudan and reinstating elements of the former regime against the will and desire of the people.”
He continued, “Be brave and honest for once, favor peace that restores security and stability to the Sudanese public and preserves the unity of Sudan, land and people, establishing the basis for a democratic civil rule and a single national professional Army.”
Taha Osman added, “To everyone who believes that Sudan can be ruled by force of arms, oppression, violations, tyranny and corruption from the Army leadership or the Armed Struggle Movements; the experiences throughout history are rather enlightening, starting with Abboud, Nimeiri and Al-Bashir, in addition to those who ignited the April 15th war in order to rule Sudan and block the path of the glorious December revolution that embodied the people’s desire to resist the tyrannical military rule and their dream of a democratic civil rule that expresses the will and diversity of the people.”
He concluded by saying, “Regardless of how long the war lasts, democratic civil rule is necessary and there will be no chance for a military rule for either party to the conflict, the Army or the Rapid Support Forces, no matter how much weaponry or external support they possess.”