The deaf wandering in the climate parade
Abdul Rahman Al-Kelis

No other scene plants the seed of terror in the heart like watching a man participate in a discussion panel or conference without having the slightest idea about its topic; this is what people call “the deaf in a parade”.
Similar to the aforementioned “deaf” was the Army Commander-in-Chief, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan presence in the conference hall in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, as he participated in the “Climate Change” Summit that discusses the phenomenon of global warming, and the man was terrible!
I am fairly certain that Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, who ignited the war in his country to remain in power with a Kizan lever after the military component’s presidency term of the Sovereignty Council came to an end, and the transitional government almost became purely civilian, achieving the slogan of “the military to the barracks”; has absolutely no knowledge about global warming and hadn’t heard of the term before this summit. Rather, I am certain that the extent of his knowledge is derived from the verb (to imprison) and doesn’t extend beyond imprisoning opponents or no offense, “urinary retention.”
This man is hundreds of times less -falling short- in comparison to any president throughout Sudan’s history, to the point that I am ashamed to compare him to a “weak” and idiotic man, like his leader Omar Al-Bashir, who didn’t know where “pasta” came from and said at the opening of one of its factories in Al-Jazeera, promising the citizens: “God willing, we will expand the cultivation process of pasta next year”!
As is the natural stupidity of the Military!!
Moreover, what is the motive prompting this man -whose people are dying of hunger- to “tour” the countries of the world, attending every stray summit or upcoming conference -even if its about the medical uses of hibiscus ? It could only be about a desire to satisfy his sick psyche by being a recognized president, while reality conveys the complete opposite.
He is unable to access his office in the country’s capital, unable to enter the General Command of the Army, and isn’t in control of (30%) of the country’s territory. Rather, he is unable to manage the east and north regions of the country from his alternative capital of (Port Sudan), where his partners from the terrorist Islamic militias and Armed mercenary Movements don’t gove much thought to stepping over his authority, unilaterally making fateful decisions related to national security and the country’s Sovereignty, including stopping the war and saving citizens.
He is a man without authority, a man who lacks power, just a (Military man) used by the rabble and scum of humanity.
For Minnawi, Gibril, Al-Misbah Abuzaid and Shaiba Dirar to use me, this is, by God, the height of political, military and moral (imprisonment). So why would Al-Burhan go to Baku to speak on a subject he has no knowledge about ? Wouldn’t it have been more appropriate for him to remain hostage to the “imprisoners”; the National Congress Party on his right and mercenaries on his left, to decide his next battle, as the Balabsa momentarily abandoned the pursuit of the war on the Rapid Support Forces and turned against each other, shifting blame, accusing, cursing and insulting each other. As everyone knows, “war begins with statements”, and the climate of Port Sudan will be extremely humid and hot in the (depth of winter).
Such a bloody coup leader, a warmonger, knows absolutely nothing about matters that favor the future of the world and develop strategies to protect our planet from collapse and destruction, because he is one of the major contributors to its destruction. This man was able, during the few years of his presence in a transitional authority, to turn his country into a ball of fire, starve and displace millions, kill tens of thousands, arm civilians, revive racist tribal strife, steal and plunder the country’s gold and resources in addition to harnessing them for his war for power.
He is but one of the threats to the future of life in Sudan, the future of humanity and the world, so it would’ve been more appropriate for the climate summit to put him on its platform as a living model of the causes of (global warming) in this universe.
It would have been more appropriate for him to be stoned (pelted with stones) after the summit ended, so the world could settle the issue of global warming in a significant region of this earth, and said issue would have been resolved, the final session would have been adjourned and humanity would have breathed a sigh of relief.
This man is a disgrace to humanity, and his attendance at conferences related to the future of the universe and humanity -even if his existence is similar to his absence- comes across as provocation to human feelings and common sense, representing a great danger to this planet.