Warning against its circulation
RSF: The new currency is a plot to divide Sudan

The Rapid Support Forces warned citizens against dealing with the new currency the de facto government in Port Sudan intends to introduce under the pretext of covering the deficit in revenues, meeting the cost of the war, and controlling the chaos in exchange rates in the parallel market.
The Rapid Support Forces stated that the introduction of the new currency by the “Port Sudan gang” comes as part of their plot to divide Sudan and its regions, stressing the Rapid Support Forces’ firm and forceful confrontation of what it described as “the schemes of the remnants.”
The Rapid Support Forces added in a statement:
In a brazen act of economic manipulation aimed at funding its extremist agenda, the so-called “Port Sudan gang” — comprising the co-opted Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) leadership and remnants of the former regime beholden to the terrorist Islamic Movement — has audaciously introduced a new currency. Cloaked as an effort to protect the national economy and stabilize exchange rates amid turmoil in the parallel market, this maneuver risks further destabilizing the nation’s financial landscape.
The decision of the Central Bank — now controlled by factions within the terrorist Islamic Movement — comes amid nationwide economic collapse and widespread banking dysfunction. This decision lacks any legal basis, disregarding financial protections designed to shield citizens in times of disaster and conflict. Instead, this currency change represents pure economic recklessness in pursuit of political ambitions, showing complete disregard for the well-being of the people.
The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) categorically condemns this deliberate act of sabotage and pledges to counter this and similar practices with unyielding resolve. We call upon all Sudanese citizens to reject the schemes of those individuals driven by corruption, who loot public resources, undermine institutions, and manipulate the economy to sustain their relentless war agenda.
We affirm that the Port Sudan gang holds no legitimate authority. Their decisions are null and void, issued without rightful jurisdiction. The RSF is fully aware of the political motives behind this illegal currency change — a preliminary step in a broader scheme to fracture Sudan and divide its regions. Our forces remain vigilant and determined, and will not permit the resurgence of divisive agendas under the terrorist Islamic Movement.
The Rapid Support Forces is unwavering in its commitment to ensuring the unity of Sudan and the protection of its people. We will confront these destructive forces with determination, fulfilling our duty to safeguard our country’s territorial integrity and national strength.
To our fellow citizens across Sudan, in cities and rural areas alike, we reassure you that the RSF is dedicated to protecting your financial well-being and protecting your hard-earned assets. We urge you not to comply with the decrees of these illegitimate factions and to refrain from depositing funds where they may be exploited by the Port Sudan gang to finance its war efforts.
We call on all citizens to reject the newly issued currency, which holds no legitimacy. The RSF vows to dismantle this criminal regime. We will confront their aggression with the same force they impose — and consign them once and for all to the dustbin of history.