Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

The homeland is not but a bridge on the corner of which all the feelings that resist extinction, stand ..!!
In a safe zone for the confused exclamation marks that mimic the confusion of this nation, that has been embracing the suffering with multiple features and facets due to this absurd war, the observer remains astonished about the rosy dreams of staying in power being more important to its rulers than stopping the bloodshed and healing wounds.
The human suffering that has reached a stage where the country’s circumstances cannot accept the act of reading one more headline on the political scene newspaper without stopping this accursed war, and everything that comes prior is no more than (political circumvention) that makes no difference on the grand scheme of events.
Recently, Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan, head of the Coup Council, issued decisions appointing Ali Youssef Al-Sharif as acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Khaled Al-Eisir as acting Minister of Culture and Information. Exclamation marks crowd the question of why did Al-Burhan attempt to restore his dilapidated house at this time and why the dismissal extended to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Information exclusively.
Throughout such circumstance in the country; a war that the Army failed to resolve, if the ministerial changes that took place were necessary to resolve the failures that prevented the achievement of victory and resolution as well as making a difference on a burning ground, then it should have extended to the Minister of Defense or the Interior.
However, Al-Burhan taking such a step indicates that the man only cares about his external appearance, and such a step heralds an upcoming political arrangement abroad, that Al-Burhan only wanted to prepare for with a ministerial framework to make his presence known, which is an optical illusion not to market the war and justify its continuation, but in response to the international plan to end the war in a way that guarantees Al-Burhan’s presence in power in an acceptable manner that covers all the distortion the government suffers from, even for a temporary period of time.
The Foreign Ministry as well as the Ministry of Culture and Information are among the ministries that represent the government’s front, meaning that the main purpose of this change is the government’s profile abroad, which is an aim far removed from any internal issues, as the former Foreign Minister failed in his government-appointed mission to market the war abroad, failing to gain any international sympathy.
We previously talked about Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan carrying out his duties in relation to the process of marketing the coup and the war, and that the Foreign Minister failed in history and geography diplomatically in international meetings.
As for the new Minister of Culture and Information, he was more passionate in his defense of the war than the dismissed Minister.
However, because the government has no foundation, nor head, and even (the ceiling has fallen), these appointments are decisions that solely serve Al-Burhan personally, saving his face in every external confrontation, and has nothing to do with internal affairs because the absence of a recognized government limits all ministers to the constant back and forth without the citizen knowing their names, let alone the service they provide to him.
And God’s wisdom is manifested in most of Al-Burhan’s ministers remaining anonymous to the citizen until after their dismissal, hence why Al-Burhan attempted to add a little stardom to his lackluster government, which happens to be the most concrete evidence to prove these changes aren’t in bestowal, as an effort or a fundamental goal.
Therefore, these decisions are limited to being procedures specific to Al-Burhan’s office, as Khaled Al-Eisir is now the new official spokesman for Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan only, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs can occupy the position of Assistant for Foreign Affairs of the government.
And since the goal is to polish Al-Burhan’s image externally, the choice fell on Al-Eisir because he is the best choice to complete this task, as he’s a (loud mouth) and the most suitable person to talk about a reality that doesn’t exist!!
This is precisely what Al-Burhan needs in the coming period, to give him the illusion of heading a government with a resounding voice, so that he can obtain an external appearance that enables him to confidently advance to the platforms of the political solution, which is the same role played by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. If he only held the reins of speech and presence and exceled over his predecessor in diplomatic discourse, this would be enough for Al-Burhan, because diplomacy and foreign affairs during his era were buried by Al-Sadiq and won’t return from their death journey by changing a minister as long as the coup authority controls the government, as diplomacy dies automatically under the umbrella of dictatorial regimes.
Therefore, the events taking place are no more than formal decisions and steps that don’t serve to adress the essence of the issue because neither can constitute an added value, and will remain a framework for a non-existent image, especially since it isn’t based on experience or qualifications, this in turn increases the chances and fortunes of every person who has continued to defend this accursed war, and his reward will be according to the extent of his defense.
Granting Al-Eisir a ministerial position may lead to granting the artist Nada Al-Qalaa a position as well -and this is not a joke- as I failed to find a criterion for selection in this appointment other than that Khaled was the most daring and defended the war more than others, Nada had played a similar role.
Hence, some colleagues in the profession who believe that they are more competent and experienced than him shouldn’t be envious, because the aforementioned aren’t the real criteria for selection, and as long as Al-Burhan appoints those closest to him to defend him, with no regard to experience, then Al-Eisir deserves this vague position without dispute.
In Conclusion:
Director of the Defense Industries System, Mirghani Idris, who is subject to US Treasury Department’s sanctions, is now distributing his money across multiple accounts, including the account of a famous TV presenter.
This has prompted her to develop a plan to launch the largest satellite channel abroad with international specifications utilizing this unattended money.
The coming days are enough to reveal a lot!!
Turning a blind eye to evil is misguidance *** And turning a blind eye to injustice is stupidity
Al-Jareeda Newspaper