London Demonstrations: An infected upbringing
cheering obscenities and slander

Dr. Murtada Al-Ghali
The group of London demonstrators shouting against the civil rule, in support of the war and the coup authority.. is a group too insignificant to talk about..!! They are the fallen goods.. (And there is no good for a person in life, if he is considered fallen goods)..! Glory be to God, the Creator of elephants and fleas..!
The description of this group is nothing more than being a paid ragtag of unemployed people in a country “whose whales die from the cold” as El-Tayeb Salih once said..!
They are a group of (the needy), billed by the main employer (on a daily wage)..! And the employer -certainty- is (Al-Kizan)..! Some of the people aware of the conditions of the Sudanese in London have revealed information about the participants in this ugly and ridiculous demonstration.. that some of them were convicted of rape crimes, and others had financial records and document forgery incidents and were released after the coup..!
The aforementioned isn’t the important aspect of the matter, however.. the real issue is that they revealed (the true motives of those who sent them) in this failed demonstration (and financed it). The truth is; Al-Kizan don’t have a problem with the Rapid Support Forces.. but their main issue is with the civil forces, the revolution, the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) as well as “Tagadom”..!
The facts have proven that their behavior in this discordant demonstration wasn’t the behavior of (well-mannered people) with a cause.. but rather obscenity, harassment, slander, assault.. and violation of the laws of peaceful and polite demonstration in a country they know doesn’t shoot peaceful demonstrators or delinquents, doesn’t rape detainees, and doesn’t have ghost houses.. or a judiciary similar to (Abu Sabiha judiciary) .. or a public prosecution with the approach of Attorney General, the protégé of the coup (Al-Fateh Tayfour), who proposed a task to the Interpol, not seeking to pursue the leaders of the Rapid Support Forces..but to arrest peaceful civilians..!
Who is killing innocent civilians in Sudan..?! Perhaps its “Tagadom” and the civil political forces and we simply aren’t aware of such deeds..!! Perhaps the Forces of Freedom and Change have planes, tanks, launchers and drones that they utilize to bomb cities and villages, killing and injuring hundreds of thousands of innocent people, expelling (14) citizens into the wilderness of displacement and asylum, displacing (20) million students from their schools and institutes.. Perhaps they’re responsible for previously forming (12) militias in eastern Sudan alone.. without our knowledge..!
The actual farce takes place when Al-Kizan and a group of journalists, headed by a self-made ignorant person from the (educational wastage) media, rejoice at the foolish London demonstration, and consider it one of the conquests that express the Sudanese people’s positions in blessing the war and supporting the coup..! And look (for God’s sake) how the Sudanese people, (14) million of whom have left their homes and Sudanese territory altogether, rejoice..!
Is Hamdok responsible for killing civilians, expelling them from their homes, and destroying facilities and institutions.. or was his presence in Britain, and those with him, in search of cessation of the war and establishing peace..?! What did Hamdok do to the Islamists to invoke such aggression and ill-manneredness within them? What did he do to them when he was the head of the transitional government that the Islamists overthrew..?! Did he hang them..?! Did he throw them into the ghost houses they established and legitimized..?! Did he hold them accountable -outside the judiciary framework- for their notorious crimes..?! Did he appoint -within the ranks of the Security Service- (public rapists) and murderers who bury people inside prison cells..?!
Truthfully, many hold Hamdok accountable for not punishing Al-Kizan with the punishment they deserve, and not treating them as they used to treat their peaceful political opponents..!
These demonstrators who flaunted their foolishness are one thing.. and the Salvation (Inqaz) group that rejoices in such foolishness is a different story altogether..! And the heroes of the third story are journalists (working for financial compensation), who celebrated this vulgarity and ill-manneredness.. There is nothing new in regards to the outcomes of the Islamists’ education.. This is their usual behavior of; defamation, slander, shamelessness, supporting falsehood, and bullying others when they feel safe from punishment.. How miserable is this upbringing that isn’t deterred by religion, morals, or chivalry.. May God never grant you victory..!