A State of Pauperism
Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

I am fairly certain that the truth alone can make the ascending doubts lose their faith in the process without causing their fingers -clinging to the ropes of illusion- to slip!!
The Minister of Finance, Gibril Ibrahim, doubts himself and his government, tries to deny what he is actively proving through his speech and states, (his regional and international participations were aimed at affirming the presence of the government with its official institutions, to clear any confusion in regards to who represents the government in Sudan)!!
This is an implicit admission of the government’s illegitimacy and is also the biggest evidence that the government is troubled by its burdensome sense of illegitimacy and anonymity.
The actual and legitimate minister who belongs to a recognized government wouldn’t feel the need to prove his existence or the existence of the government abroad, hence, the man confirmed the truth by denying it.
Gibril didn’t limit himself to proving that the government is (a foundling), but rather went on to prove more, as he shared that they met with representatives of the World Bank and protested the World Bank’s opinion in regards to the corrective measures (he was too embarrassed to say ‘the coup’). He added.. the World Bank doesn’t deal with us directly, but gives money to agencies affiliated with the United Nations to bring it into Sudan.
At this juncture, Gibril is proving -with his own words- for the second time that his government is also corrupt and consits of thieves. Hence, the International Monetary Fund doesn’t trust them and doesn’t deal with them in the first place.
Therefore, as long as the Fund sees the government as illegitimate, is nevertheless corrupt, treacherous and untrustworthy…
Why is Gibril begging at its doorstep?
I wondered to myself, and since the results of this visit were negative and disappointing, why is Gibril holding a conference to announce such scandals, shouldn’t he have (covered up for the government)?
It is rather well-known that the International Monetary Fund didn’t bring money into Sudan after the October 25th Coup except through (UNICEF) and (WFP), these are called emergency funds that are spent on education and health, a social and humanitarian responsibility undertaken by the Fund to support the people even if their governments are corrupt and don’t deserve the benevolence.
However, apart from Gibril’s return empty-handed, the press conference he presented is a second copy because in the original copy he didn’t want to speak about his (failed) visit to America and his return from it empty-handed, so the visit (as you can see) was a loss, but he wanted to propel his political decision forward, basing his argument on the presence of his forces on the front lines, in an attempt to blackmail the government.
The news, however, reports that Security Agencies prevented Gibril from making certain statements they believed would divide the ranks at a time when the government deems itself united. And for this reason, the press conference was postponed at the beginning, which indicates that the decision remains in the hands of the Islamic leaders. For if Gibril’s decision is in the hands of the Military, he would’ve insulted them and continued with his blackmailing plots, threatening to abandon the battlefield, but his change of heart in regards to proposing the idea he wished to announce indicates his submission to the terms of loyalty and obedience to the organization.
The truth of the matter is, Gibril has whispered demands of his share of wealth and power and threatened to leave, but he stopped making demands publicly and tried yesterday to deny what happened and explained that despite having observations regarding the performance of the executive body, they will be pursued through the official institutions.
He stressed that the Armed Movements cannot blackmail the State, pointing out that everyone knows about the fighters’ preparations, and that the fighting is for the homeland and not to please anyone, according to him.
Gibril’s admission to having observations only confirms the existence of demands and the integrity of the blackmail information, especially since he added that these observations are to be presented through official institutions, which in turn means that a stronger party believes such observations shouldn’t be made in public, through media platforms, and that (the fighter’s preparations) means -in language and a terminology sense- that he is demanding financial compensation, i.e. sharing the wealth!!
At this juncture, and for the second time, Gibril’s denial only proves what he wants to deny.
The relationship between the Armed Movements and the Army leadership is a one of interests and material gains. The citizen pays his precious life for Gibril to reap benefits from the war season.
If Gibril had returned from his trip as a winner, all demands and manifestations of cheap blackmail, i.e. (the observations), as he stated, would have vanished, because it would’ve been the time to divide the spoils, negating the necessity of holding a press conferences. But he returned to Port Sudan without a single dollar after he found that the coup is placing him under siege from every direction. Even the Port Sudan government, if Gibril had returned with money, would have used a different language of dialogue with him, far removed from twisting his arm and forcing him to make the conference economic rather than political, despite the fact that there is no economic content or substance.
In Conclusion:
Tomorrow we will be reviewing the (ministerial restoration) in the coup government and demand that the Ministry of Culture be given to the artist Nada Al-Qalaa because she (didn’t fall short either)!!
Al-Jareeda Newspaper