Three leaders killed in armed clashes between Police and SAF in En Nahud

The city of En Nahud in West Kordofan state, western Sudan, witnessed armed clashes between customs police and a group of army mobilized fighters and reservists, resulting in the death of two leaders of the mobilized fighters and one customs police leader. In addition, dozens of people were injured on both sides.

This particular sequence of events began with the mobilized fighters seizing a customs police vehicle, as there was a previous agreement allowing the former to use non-operating government vehicles.

However, customs police demanded the return of the vehicle after discovering that it was owned by them, a demand the mobilized fighters refused to comply with, which exacerbated tensions between the two parties.

In light of the escalating dispute, a meeting was supposed to be held to resolve the issue, but tensions further escalated with the gathering of customs police forces and a number of mobilized fighters before the meeting.

According to an audio recording published by a member of the regular forces, named Hamad Safi Hamad, the clashes began when a customs police force intervened and attacked the mobilized fighters and reservists with medium weapons, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries.

The recording indicated that among the dead were two commanders of the mobilized battalions and a police commander, while a number of mobilized and reservists’ commanders who were trying to deescalate the situation were injured.

The wounded are receiving proper treatment and the dead were buried amid high tension and an imposed curfew in the city for fear further clashes might ensue.

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