The price of supporting the war and calling for its continuation
The price of supporting the war and calling for its continuation

This is the price of continuing the war.. The loss of hundreds of lives in a matter of hours, the displacement of thousands, the displacement of women and children, in addition to the war expanding to new arenas, with Al-Burhan and Al-Kizan inciting racial and tribal strife.. While the coup Army announces it will no longer protect citizens and is content with calling for arming some tribes against others..! All of which, in order to announce the escape of one person from the Rapid Support Forces’ camp to join the militia of Al-Baraa, Karti and Al-Burhan..!
This is a rotten war, run and supported by morally corrupt people..! Its not only rotten, but is wicked as well, reaching a level of immorality, wretchedness, baseness, abjectness, viciousness, wickedness, rancidness, sordidness, vileness, foolishness and debauchery that doesn’t preserve the dignity or sanctity of a human being or stone…!
Its a war that doesn’t spare children, women, the sick or disabled.. It knows no boundaries or fences.. It doesn’t care about what is permissible or forbidden..! Its a war that violates honor and customs, exposes the virgins and maidens, disembowels pregnant and nursing women, takes advantage of the paralyzed and disabled, changes the bodies of young girls and women.. Therefore, how -by God- can some of us call for the continuation of the war when they are aware of all of the above.. and more..?!
Such a curious situation and confusing matter that the Shahnameh, all the dictionaries of the world and calendars of countries are unable to describe. Dictionaries, atlases, news of kingdoms and paths, in addition to the wonders of nations and cities are incapable of explaining as well..!
Following all of Al-Kizan’s crimes, their horrific massacres, shedding Sudanese blood, sacrificing the nation’s dignity, tearing it apart, tearing apart its social fabric, wasting its resources, destroying its facilities, in addition to their corruption, which people agreed was the “plague of the era” that no country in the world had ever witnessed in terms of theft and plunder that included the sheep and camels, the liquid and solid, the hot and the cold, you would find some of our brothers (intellectuals and activists) support the war alongside Al-Kizan, standing shoulder to shoulder with the Shadow Battalions, the Brigades of Al-Baraa, Tambour, Minnawi, Gibril, Keikal, and Nickel.. Stating that those individuals are better than the civil forces opposing the war.. Better how and why..? You never know.. What can you say to them..?!
One of them, an intellectual, shared some peculiar statements in support of the war of Al-Kizan and the militias. You don’t know whether to cry over it..? Or howl..?! Or do you laugh in the era of death and corpses decomposing outside of graves.. (Things that only amuses the fools/ and the wise cry over their consequences)..!
This individual spoke about awareness and ignorance, about the problem and dilemma, he reaffirmed his support for the remnants and terrorists against his “civilian competitors” (whom he envies and is jealous of)..! Then he described the advocates of stopping the war as being characterized by strategic stupidity.!!
What can you say other than curse the strategy along with all the terms of the later centuries.. wishing with all your heart that the beasts of the earth would dominate these terms, consume them entirely, and leave no strategy or tactic behind.. eliminating them to the last mythology and pedagogy..!
On this occasion, the great journalist (of Asharq Al-Awsat) had literally stated in his latest article that one of the leaders of Tagadom called for international intervention and sending UN forces to Sudan, and that some of them announced their support for placing Sudan under Chapter VII..!
Yes, Tagadom and its leaders are killing people now in Tamboul, Al-Jazeera and El-Fasher, bombing them with planes.. and calling for arming the Sudanese against each other..!
If this was stated by (an expert) in the Zala’a market, we could have excused his behavior.. and we wouldn’t have pursued or questioned him demanding an explanation.. However, for a journalist who was deputy editor-in-chief of an international newspaper to say such reckless statements about extremely precise and politically sensitive matters without any evidence.. here the sheikh’s donkey must stop at the obstacle.. and ask this great journalist: Give us names, as long as you attributed a specific statement to a specific person in a specific political organization that is known to everyone.. who from the leaders of Tagadom announced his support of the implementation of Chapter VII… Give us names, for you know how news is written, and how statements are attributed to their actual sources (give us names). What you are stating is recorded in an official newspaper and you have to provide proof, for you aren’t having a conversation at the (barber shop)..!
Where’s the problem? What’s the problem with a political cadre calling for the intervention of UN forces to stop the killing machine and atrocities in his country and to protect the civilians from the massacre being committed by both sides of the war…?! You mentioned in the same article that several countries have certainly witnessed the arrival of UN forces to separate the warring parties, and you mentioned by name previous international experiences in Lebanon and (UNIFIL) forces, the United Nations Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and peacekeeping forces in Bosnia and Kosovo, as well as the intervention of the African Union with forces in Somalia through the (AMISOM) Mission, so why do you believe that the case of Sudan is special..?!
Is it because Al-Kizan want the war to continue and are afraid of international monitoring of the massacres, and are afraid their crimes in Darfur will resurface..?! Or do you think that the pace in Sudan requires a greater number of dead, wounded, displaced, refugees and migrants.. The group of Al-Burhan, Al-Baraa, Yasser Al-Atta and Karti believe that the death of people in Sudan (isn’t that big of a problem) that warrants attention..!
The escape of Al-Burhan’s Army in Tamboul, cost hundreds of people their lives and displaced thousands of the region’s sons, women, children and youth in Al-Jazeera and Al-Butana. In addition to transferring the war to new arenas, inciting strife that plays a role in hastening civil war… And yet they beat the drums in celebration of the return of (the prodigal son) Keikal from rebellion to the company of terrorism, coup and kebab.. What is Keikal’s worth in the scale of the world..?! And what is his value that marquees are erected for him, and drums are played.. May God never grant you victory, neither in this world or in the afterlife..!