The impudence and vileness of Egyptian governments towards Sudan
Shawky Badri

Shame nearly pushes many Sudanese to abandon their Sudanese identity. The mockery practiced by successive Egyptian governments on Sudan, and the submission of many Sudanese rulers is very shameful. Most of Sudan’s misfortunes were caused by Egypt. Egypt has faced misfortunes throughout its history; from dictatorships, poverty, disease, rampant population density, scarcity of agricultural land and water, to the spread and encroachment of the desert. The solution for the Egyptian governments is simple: Colonizing the barbarians in Sudan.
The more Sudan lags behind, suffers from misfortunes, fighting spreads, governments weaken and democracy ends, the more the Egyptian governments danced in jubilation. Destroying the Sudanese infrastructure using warplanes, is an act Egypt has previously done and is practicing with pleasure. The Egyptian heroes who were arrested at Merowe Airport weren’t -along with their planes- in the pest control and agricultural assistance team. They were bombing the infrastructure happily and with mockery, so that Sudan wouldn’t have the opportunity to rise except under the control of Egypt.
There are (1200) factories in Egypt dealing with the re-production of Sudanese raw materials. The Egyptian Minister of Industry stated in front of the whole world and on TV stations that Egypt – alas – has lost (46) billion dollars in (6) months. This means (92) billion dollars a year, are you paying attention ??! The reason is the cessation of the flow of Sudanese products… Just imagine, this amount could have covered all of Sudan’s external debts and allowed Sudan to stand on its feet, but our sister country, wouldn’t allow it.
If Sudan stood strong and protected by a patriotic government, Port Sudan would have drunk from a pipeline from the Nile, the deserts of Sudan would have flourished, and Sudan would have exploited the (8) billion cubic meters of Nile water that goes to Egypt from our share recognized in the unjust agreement imposed on Sudan by Egyptian bullying and deception. For Egypt, the issue of water equals life and death.
Following Italy’s victory over the Ethiopian Army in the Battle of (Maychew) in (1936), the Chinese learned their lesson. Chairman Mao Zedong stated; We won’t repeat the mistake of the Ethiopian comrades. We won’t fight the modern Japanese Army in a full-fledged confrontation. We will fight them in a war of supporters and attrition. The Ethiopians learned from the Sudanese mistakes in the negotiations regarding the Renaissance Dam, and the Egyptian snake is biting its tail today. Hence the reason they’re emptying their toxins into the body of Sudan.
For decades, the Egyptian government has been waving Osman’s shirt and dictator Hosni Mubarak’s assassination attempt in Ethiopia and insisting on not lifting the global blockade on Sudan. It is the same country that, after occupying Halayeb and killing the young officer Mahmoud and his soldiers, incited Ethiopia to occupy Al-Fashaga to spite Sudan. The Islamists, who Egypt cheered when they turned against democracy, were then forced to remain eternally silent.
The Egyptians were willing to dance with the devil to eliminate democracy in Sudan, but after they fell for the Islamists’ prank and became a laughingstock, they were afflicted with a passion for revenge… Because democracy is a force for the people against the dictatorships practiced by Al-Sisi, his Army and his Security Service, who have been living since Hatshepsut, Thutmose and Nasser on the blood and sweat of the Egyptian people as a full-fledged occupation Army.
Egypt deals with Sudanese and Africans with arrogance. An American known worldwide as a global fraudster told me… It is very difficult to deceive simpletons and stupid people. The reason is that they know their limitations, capabilities and nonexistent experience, and that is why they don’t take risks.
Those who consider themselves the most intelligent and don’t believe that anyone would think of deceiving them can therefore be deceived easily.
Nasser went to Yemen driven by Sadat’s naive advice… Yemen is made up of primitive tribes, it is enough for Egyptian planes to fly and they will flee. Nasser sent (35,000) Egyptian soldiers, (13,000) of whom returned wounded or disabled. The Egyptians went without legal experts in water and International Law to negotiate the Renaissance Dam. They thought that the Ethiopians, the people of civilization and four thousand years of rule, who have a written language that is thousands of years old and is still used today, were a backward people. The Egyptians signed and then discovered that the polite, silent Ethiopians had deceived them.
A week ago, the government of northern Somalia asked the Egyptians to leave their country within (48) hours. This is after the Egyptians met the Somalis’ requests, hosted the Egyptian Army and their equipment and sent their decisions to scare Ethiopia. It was clear that the Somalis and Ethiopians had a prior agreement.
We had business dealings with the Ethiopians and I had great relationships with Ethiopian students in Prague, I was also considered part of the Ethiopian community at Lund University in Sweden, participating in their discussions and sports program. They are smart people who work silently and plan patiently. They don’t get excited or give you a chance to know what their position is and what is going on in their minds.
Psychologists and those who work with Somali refugees told me; As we learned, its rather impossible to read their facial expressions and how they think and they don’t introduce others to their society for them to acquire knowledge about their way of life. The police and Security cannot recruit informants among them like the Arabs and Poles who rush to accept these jobs. The Sudanese people are an open book to the Egyptians. Just imagine, there are Sudanese people who are willing to die defending Egypt…
There is a strange idea that dominates the Egyptians like hepatitis, that Sudan is the private property of Egypt. This is despite the fact that for centuries Egypt was a Turkish province and was managed until (1952) by an Albanian royal family to the point that King Fuad, whose picture we used to see on the money, didn’t speak Arabic and lived most of his life in Europe. The Egyptians used to sing about him… Fuad I, with his picture illustrated on piasters. And Turkey has been under European guardianship since the nineteenth century, and today everyone is under American guardianship.
Do we need a new Taharqa or Piankhi to save us from the control of Egypt and its Intelligence Service led by Girgas ? This Girgas won’t be the last if we don’t stand our ground and confront Egypt, which is the first enemy. We are the ones who bare our backs to Egypt’s whip.
More than a decade ago, there was a senior intelligence agent wearing a journalist’s suit named Hani Raslan, whom the Sudanese ostentatiously welcomed. When I attacked him, he never responded to what I wrote. Because he had numerous yes-men and shoe-bearers. Today, the crone, Amani Al-Tawil, who like her father, frequents Sudan, carries out the orders of the Egyptian Intelligence and the project of Mohammed Al-Tabi’i, who ruled Sudan for a period with the help of the lovers of Egyptian governments.
Amani Al-Tawil threatens America… Just imagine, stating; The American envoy should think four times before making the decision to send troops to Sudan!
The great Dr. Mohammed Gad, Egypt’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and its permanent representative to the African Union, declares that; Cairo categorically rejects sending African troops to Sudan.
Mr. Ambassador knows along with the crone that the bread he eats for breakfast is an American grant. It seems that its the gland of arrogance and intimidation speaking.
Is there a human being, no matter how cruel and vile they are, who would hinder the attempt to stop the death, destruction, hunger, diseases, rape and the attempt to eliminate an entire nation ? Sudan stood with Egypt in its darkest circumstances, when the road to Cairo was open after the Egyptian soldiers fled and the Air Force was destroyed. Only the Sudanese Division was present east of the canal, standing in the face of the Zionists.
There is an Egyptian audio recording in appreciation of the Sudanese Division’s efforts available as well as a written report.
The role of the Sudanese Forces in the October (1967) War
On June 5th, 1967, Israel launched a surprise attack on the Saudi, Syrian and Jordanian forces. Israel was able to surprise the Arab forces and paralyze their advancement at the same time, which had granted it air sovereignty after destroying the Egyptian fighter planes while they were at their airports. This attack led to the occupation of Arab lands: Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, the Golan Heights in Syria, the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Gaza Strip and Palestine.
In Khartoum, the Defense Ministers Council met to support the Egyptian Armed Forces. In light of this development, an infantry battalion was formed under the command of Colonel (at the time) Mohamed Abdel Qader. This force moved by train on 6/7/1967. This force had a significant importance due to the following:
A. The force was prepared and formed in a short period and was able to arrive in record time, so it was the first Arab force to arrive. It was the only one present east of Suez facing the Israeli forces, as at that time all Arab forces were withdrawn to strike the canal. The force was tasked with defending the Fouad area, which was the only area not occupied by the Israeli forces.
After arriving at its destination, the Sudanese battalion was supported by Egyptian support units that included; engineering units, some 37 mm anti-aircraft guns and 12 mm, artillery -105 mm, M34 (light) tanks, medical units, in addition to a company of special forces.
On the 30th of June (1976), the Sudanese force was attacked by Israeli forces, which tried to occupy Ras al-Ash area in an attempt to encircle the Sudanese force. However, the Sudanese force was able to repel the attack, and the Israeli forces were then forced to withdraw. Following this attack, the Sudanese force was supported by more anti-aircraft guns, as well as 54 tanks, an infantry company, in addition to another paratrooper company. The area where the Sudanese forces were located became a Military Sector led by the Commander of the Sudanese force, which was the only force east of the Suez Canal.
The Sudanese force remained for six months in the Port Tawfiq area, where it stayed for two months. In February (1968), the force was replaced and returned to Sudan.
The Sudanese Military showed courage and patience that were admired and appreciated by the Egyptian Military during the presence of the force on the front. Prime Minister Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub visited the force, which raised the morale of its officers and personnel. Sudanese press delegations also visited to cover the activities. Battalions continued to be sent to the Egyptian front until (1971), when the force doubled in size to become a reinforced brigade for the first time. The brigade command was exchanged between Staff Brig. Gen. Hassan Al-Amin and Staff Brig. Gen. Abdullah Mohamed Osman.
This brigade continued to operate with the Third Field Army in the Gulf of Suez region until July (1971). Following the coup incident of Maj. Hashim Al-Atta, a battalion was withdrawn from the brigade to maintain security and order in Khartoum. The rest of the force was then returned in August (1972). This brigade was called the Victory Brigade.
Recently, we witnessed how some of people from western Sudan were treated in central and northern Sudan. This is what they called Strange Faces. This is an extremely racist behavior and slogan. Citizens of western Sudan have been subjected to injustice, insults and flogging. Fortunately, the victims acted with courage and determination, and the attackers admitted that they were not men. I am hurt and ashamed to be Sudanese. These are travelers carrying bags and wearing civilian clothes.
No human being has the right to intercept and flog them. The most that the law, honor and humanity allow is to investigate them through Security and Law Enforcement, not mobs.
Then they wonder why people are filled with hatred and malice ?? And when you are described as the State of “jalaba – rich people”, we get angry!! Do you remember how you wronged the honorable people of the south? And the south treats you with generosity and comfort today, while you are weak. Do you now know the difference between the generous and the vile, my people ?