Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

Old faces delved into the glow of illusion..
And escaped every panic that the wind has thrust into a semblance of feeling..
They fear the shadow..
If it swings from the walls..
However, despite that, they try to gnaw at the greatness of the homeland; because they don’t know that the matter has been decided, and the facts have become clear..
And the veil has been lifted from the silence !!
The real features of the Military battlefield that reflect the Armed Forces’ true face fade away, and in contrast, the original image of the war of the remnants and their Security Service crystallizes and takes shape, which is then reflected in the mirror of events portraying the shuttle movements of the leaders of the National Congress Party and the statements of the Security Services’ affiliates.
This comes as a new arrangement of the political scene through which the Islamic Movement wishes to preserve its right and effort in the war so that it isn’t wasted in vain.
Anyone following the scene of events finds that the remnants’ movements are fueled by a desire to show off political power, to show off their superiority over the Military Force, so that they can attribute everything the Army achieves on the ground to themselves. The statements made by the Security Service members boasting that they liberated Omdurman, not the Army, and that the war is their war.
All of this didn’t happen by chance, but rather resulted from a prior arrangement to pull the rug out from under the Armed Forces, and this is can be attributed to two reasons: The first of which is the false feeling that haunts them that the battle is almost over, so they are trying to control the field as the easiest way to return to power, despite the fact that this feeling isn’t based on reality and is nothing but a false dream and a great illusion that the remnants and Security Service affiliates have continued to practice as a war scheme, through which they gain popular support inside Sudan, and send a message to the outside world to allow them a period of respite.
Therefore, Al-Atta continued to practice his hobby of “numbing” operations and didn’t hesitate to announce his false promises. The day before yesterday, he declared that victory would be achieved within hours, the same lie they practiced on the Nile citizen who beat the drums and slaughtered the sacrifices in celebration of the liberation of the Khartoum Refinery that has yet to be liberated !!
The second reason for the movements and field parade is that there is a current within the (NCP) that wants to rule the country in its current state (a government of war). Its not in agreement with the current that supports peace within the party, and doesn’t care about the necessity of Militarily resolving the battle as per the other current’s wishes, wanting to rule the country as it is!!
The desire to advance in order to control the scene and the field is currently being planned by the remnants in regards to the battles, meaning that they intend for the Armed Forces to retreat to the rear so that the Islamists battalions can advance amidst the ranks. It’s not far-fetched to believe that the field will receive its orders from Al-Misbah instead of Al-Burhan, or receive them from the head in the Popular Defense instead of Al-Kabbashi.
This transformation may not pose any danger to the citizen; Because he won’t feel the difference, but it is a great danger to the Military Institution, which was sensed by some military leaders who protested naming (Al-Ma’una Street) after Al-Baraa, although it is one of the lies, but they said that if that happened, the street should be named after the Army leaders, not the battalions leaders, which is a clear rejection of the military leadership’s submission to the Security Service and the Islamic leaders affiliated with these battalions.
The arrival of the head of the National Congress (the new current), Eng. Ibrahim Mahmoud, to the city of Port Sudan falls within the same plan to dissolve the role of the Military Institution, and Mahmoud’s current is the closest to Karti and the battalions of the Islamists and Popular Defense.
Similar to the appearance of Ahmed Abbas, the former governor of Sennar State, who built the largest corruption empire in the state, and because these movements aim to seek power, the man was obsessed with it, for he spent ten years in the governor’s seat.
Even when he was dismissed, his arrogance prevented him from submitting, for Al-Bashir asked him to submit his resignation, which he refused. Therefore, he sent him a delegation led by the Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement, Al-Zubair Mohammed Al-Hassan, to convince him to resign, but Abbas insisted that he wouldn’t submit his resignation, based on the fact that he was elected by the people of the state, and no party had the right to dismiss him. Which prompted the party to send him a force from the Security and Popular Security Services to arrest him in order to strip him of his position, hence, he asked for a period of time after which he would submit his resignation so that he wouldn’t appear as a failed governor. However, the party refused the idea of allowing him time, and suggested that he take a leave and travel on a forced trip outside Sudan on the condition that he not make any statements or talk about what happened regarding his dismissal.
The man became corrupt to the point of becoming arrogant, tyrannical, and rebelling against the president’s decision, and he has a close relationship with the Islamist battalions.
That is, Abbas and Mahmoud are both Islamic leaders who have a ties with the Popular Defense, which was known as (Al-Dababeen). Their appearance at this time confirms that they want to take control of the field and rule, not rule Sudan. But rule only the areas under their control. But it is the last disappointment and the last failed attempt.
In Conclusion:
Any corruption in any position, ministry or embassy under this authority shouldn’t raise any eyebrows, as we are living in the era of the dual corruption rule of Al al-Burhan and al-Kizan !!
“Al-Jareeda” Newspaper