There is no room for neutrality in the great moral battle
Ismail Abdullah

The pioneer of the struggle for civil rights, Martin Luther King once said: “The worst place in hell is reserved for those who stand neutral in times of great moral battles.” Now that the Muslim Brotherhood militia has exhibited intransigence and determination to continue the losing confrontation with the guardians of the national State – the Rapid Support Forces, and after flexing its muscles while slaughtering a dear number of the righteous sons of the homeland in Al-Halfaya neighborhood in Khartoum Bahri, who committed no crime other than their steadfastness despite the ravages of war and their provision of services to the citizens who remained in the city that was loomed over by the specter of war, death and deadly bullets.
The criminal militia using religion as a cloak has presented a clear and explicit model of the form of ISIS Statelet coming to the Sudanese territory.
Accordingly, every honorable and patriotic person must align with the valiant soldiers “Al-Ashaws” who are wading into the embers and flames of war ignited by the bloodsuckers, otherwise the land of the ancestors will be trampled by feet stained with the blood of their ancestors, the innocent, the elderly, the disabled, the women and children.
The rifle that “Al-Ashaws” youth raised in defense of themselves and the afflicted people, in mid-April 2023, the time has come to clean and lubricate that rifle to fight the war of the final crossing, which will break the back of the corrupt Brotherhood gang that corrupts others.
The belts have been tightened, the stomachs have been tied, and the young, blessed ones have turned their faces toward the gatherings of the death squads, whose cruelty the godfather of the defunct regime boasted about days before the flood. And because their role has been completed, it must be reversed and diminished by the trigger of the boys and girls, who taught the merchants of religion eloquent lessons in manliness, steadfastness, determination, and faith in the just cause, aiming to establish a modern homeland free from the impurities of obsession and extremism.
The Sudanese people ought to come out and rise from the depths of neutral isolation, to join the ranks of “Al-Ashaws” carrying the banner of resolving the issue. There is no time for hesitation and confusion, and no room for second guessing, helplessness and laziness. The path has become clear to every person of insight. Those who want to drag our country and drown it in pools of blood of extremism and regional as well as global terrorism won’t succeed no matter how much they burn people and animals with barrels of flame falling from the sky.
All segments of the population of this country have learned that their salvation lies in eradicating the militia of the Satanic Movement. This certainty planted in the souls of the Sudanese people came as a natural result of the bitter harvest of the lean years of the State of corruption and tyranny, that had perched weighing heavily on the chests of the good men and women of this precious land.
We cannot equate the treacherous, sinful aggressor with the defender of his national entity, and the protector of his human body from genocide and extrajudicial execution, sometimes in the name of the laws of strange faces and other times under the blue banners of ISIS – extremely vile public executions, and the violation of the right of the defenseless civilians to life by killing them in public squares. O glorious nation, wake up from your deep slumber, and take up arms against ISIS affiliates who are used to acts of beheading and cutting open bellies, who bombarded the Sacred House of God with ballistic missiles, and are currently fleeing from Netanyahu’s logistical strikes, those who wish to turn Sudanese territory into a place of settlement and residence for them, burning what remains of it as they burned their country and then fled, only to turn around and defile another land other than theirs that they left for Israel.
It’s a great moral battle for the Sudanese people, in which civilians are demanding their constitutional rights are not equal to the deceitful corrupt people who plundered the country’s wealth and capabilities, and used the fruits of the simple people’s labor to build towering buildings and skyscrapers in Turkey and Malaysia.
After the leaders of the Brotherhood militias announced their latest escalation, and in return the door of dialogue was closed by the free nationalists, advocates of peace from the Rapid Support Forces’ “Ashaws,” the only option is to move forward with liberating all Sudanese territories from the filth of terrorism and extremism. It is necessary to sweep away the terrorist militias of Karti and wipe out the remnants of the criminal Salah Gosh’s battalions, in addition to defeating the armed robbery gangs affiliated with both Gibril and Minnawi, in order for the country to be free of this mafia that threatens its security, unity and cohesion.
Siding with the Rapid Support Forces has become an obligation for every Sudanese citizen who has a great dream. There is no excuse for the political entities hiding in their chambers, whose faces are covered with modesty and embarrassment from speaking the truth, in the face of the Brotherhood militias that have hijacked the State and its institutions since the dawn of the sinful coup, which displaced the Sudanese and threw them to the corners of the globe, some of whom met their death under the ice of the North Pole and others were buried under the sands of the deserts of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.
The time has come to extirpate the tyrant with the help of these young people, who weren’t distracted by the lavish life like their peers who preferred to escape and seclude themselves behind the cellars of the alleys and lanes in the capitals of the Middle East. The generation of these white-footed, eyes rimmed with spices men who terrify the enemy is the safety valve on the road leading to the establishment of the modern homeland, ending the era of laws that humiliate the people, such as the laws of strange faces, and the laws restricting human freedom that served the defunct regime in its continuation throughout three decades.
The time for action is upon us, the brass has been struck, and the horses have been saddled. No voice is louder than that of the great moral battle, in which there is no neutrality. Either you stand with the clear truth or you identify with the falsehood known to everyone, far and wide.