The Fools
Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

Tighten my hands with determination and grow victorious…
Then listen to the sound of your heart…
That beats with love for the homeland, its people will love you in order to restore a life that nearly grew old with you…
Just say. I am the revolution…
Freedom, peace, and civil justice, the choices of the people.
The glorious December Revolution was only to erase these vile mindsets and hearts that exude the smell of malice and hatred wrapped in moral corruption. Just as the revolution was an awakening of the conscience and vigilance against economic and political corruption, it was motivated by the need to fight this particular ideology that is saturated in ignorance, imbued in the stagnant waters of immorality, because the revolution was aware that “The survival of a nation depends on its morals. If the morals are lost, they (the nation) are lost.”
Working in the Security Service sector during the era of the ousted president, the selection of some of these workers was based on the principle of immorality, as some positions must be filled by a person suffering from a moral disorder that resulted from a poor upbringing and lack of manners, enough for the Security Service to use that individual as a hollow tool devoid of all noble values and qualities that would normally prevent them from performing such duties.
The position of “rapist” wouldn’t have been something that an individual in the Security Service could disclose and announce in front of the people unless it was a known position for which the Security Service allocates incentives, salaries, and allowances. Its occupant must be immoral, and lacking religious or social restraint in order to be able to fill this position. In short, it means that when you want to discuss morals, you must first be aware of your own morals. A thief cannot speak about fighting thieves in the country, and one who lacks education and manners must refrain from giving advice and save himself the effort of presenting it to people.
First and foremost, insulting the public is an insult to oneself, because the people who came out in the glorious December Revolution are the ideal model that shaped the features of Sudanese society and shared their morals with the world, as the revolution translated courage when it chanted about freedom, peace and justice as the greatest slogan in the Arab Spring revolutions that the leaders of the world kept repeating. It is the revolution that reflected the best of us to the world when it rejected the worst of them. It was a mirror for the societal and cultural lessons that demonstrate the culture of this people, their cohesion and solidarity, and how they can unite to this extent to speak out in the face of tyrants and oppressors.
The revolution was and still is the sun of awareness that rose on Sudan to dispel its darkness and expose these sick souls. That is why the Security Service had no choice but to adopt the process of eliminating and obliterating the revolution and failed.
Their first order of business was to brandish their weapons at the chests of the revolutionaries, they killed, tortured, and arrested. When the revolution became the choice of the people, the Security Service chose to brandished its weapon against the entirety of the people in the ongoing war. “The first shot” was fired by the Security Service at the headquarters of the Rapid Support Forces. This is what we stated from the first day of the war. Finally, God made their tongues speak the truth and acknowledge it. Divine wrath prompts you to openly declare your disobedience and personality confess. They stated, (This is our war and we are the ones who ignited it. There is no Army, and all victories were achieved by the Security Service).
From day one, and because the civil forces stated that it was a war of the Security Service and its remnants, they were cursed. If the civil forces made the girls wear pants on the Nile Street, then look at what the Military did on (Tik Tok) and you will find the fallen women who support the war in Sudan and the level of moral decadence that is broadcasted on social media, with an emphasis on how and in what ways they express their support for the Army!!
Therefore, if you attribute some public behaviors to the revolution, then every morally decadent behavior that is taking place now -the Sudanese girls on “TikTok”- must be attributed to the (Military) ruling for three years, otherwise, how would it make sense !!
And the revolution is in no way afraid of sending the revolutionary on the back of its (four-wheel drive), for its the one to take the Security Service on the back of the vanishing chariot, shaking its empire, its throne, destroying its ghost houses and revealing the secrets of what was taking place inside. The revolution is what has now reduced you to a city isolated from the rest of the world that has now agreed on the necessity of the return of civilian rule and you have no choice but to respond or fight each other forever.
The revolutionaries bared their chests to the fire so they would die, for the people and the homeland to live, and you fled from the fire for the people to die so that you could live.. and this is the crux of the difference!!
The revolution pushed you to utilize fire and destruction in your attempt to erase the traces of its footprints on the ground and ignited in you -for the similar reasons- the instinct of hatred towards the homeland, smitten with the idea of continuing the war, so why does the defunct regime not want the war to stop? because the latter knows that eliminating the revolution is a fabricated lie that they believed.
If the sound of the gunfire stops for even a day, the people will come out again. I have previously stated that the Sudanese people have yet to state their opinion in regard to this war, and if it stops, they will come out to fill the streets in protest against what happened.
The immoral person insults the revolution in general, so that the slander and insults reach even the revolutionaries who support him in his accused war, fighting alongside him in the front lines, only to realize what they really missed, that its a war against them in the first place and against their revolution, so how can a person carry a weapon in order to fight his own project!!
These people didn’t deserve even a letter in response in this column, as long as its ink is above mentioning every cheap statement and vile behavior displayed in a (furnished) market on social media platforms that have become a gateway to illicit gain. How can you offend people and be skilled in the process of violating their honor, shredding their cover and striking their social fabric, in which a person exposes his morals and body in order to gain more fame and money? But the response came because the revolution and its (Kandakas) were the aim of that offense.
It is rather unfortunate that we are in the midst of darkness and our country is surrounded by death, hunger and displacement, for them to come out despite all the above and accuse the people and their revolution of foolishness and immorality (Verily, they are the fools, but they do not know)
In Conclusion:
(The person who offended the revolution yesterday.. What is his name?!)
“Al-Jareeda” Newspaper