The Massacre of Al Halfaya
Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al-Slemi (Lawyer)

Whoever thought or believes that the heinous incident and massacre committed by the Islamic Al-Baraa Brigade and the so-called Special Forces in the (Halfaya) area by killing (120) citizens in cold blood (and it is said that the killing operations are still ongoing), including young children inside their homes, in public squares and fields, in front of other citizens, is delusional.
Whoever believes that this is an isolated incident or the actions of individuals or the Commander of that force is also delusional. Whoever believes that filming the bodies of the dead children and broadcasting them via the media is an unintended leak, and that the perpetrators’ appearance in these clips -that included their voices as well- without masks or any regard for the consequences of this heinous criminal act, is also delusional.
Everyone still remembers previous videos that were broadcasted of a group of special forces in the process of killing prisoners inside a detention center in a house, while others wearing Army uniforms alongside civilians, were killing citizens in a street in Omdurman. In addition to the video that depicted the most heinous incident, which was the beheading of two young men in the city of Al-Obeid in North Kordofan in the presence of a high-ranking officer affiliated with the Security and Intelligence Service. Afterwards a video was circulated, depicting the stomachs of some citizens being cut open, their entrails removed, the perpetrators licked their blood, among other atrocities committed by members of the Army and the forces cooperating with it.
The commission of these crimes, filming them, and later broadcasting them are intentional, planned and orchestrated, not random actions. The Islamist Movement, since its ill-fated coup in June (1989), has worked to sow discord amongst the components of the Sudanese people, and has used violence as a policy to spread terror among citizens. This behavior isn’t strange for those who began their era by killing Dr. Ali Fadl by hammering a nail into his head, and then (we don’t say ended their era; because it hasn’t ended yet) by shoving an object into a teacher’s anus, and finally committing these horrific massacres.
These actions are intended primarily to sow discord among the components of the Sudanese people, by selecting victims on an ethnic and regional basis, with the aim of causing reactions from other parties to fuel the hate speech that paves the way for tribal and civil conflicts among the components of the Sudanese people.
It is rather notable that they used the same approach in the war in the south, the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. The approach model in Darfur was to incite and recruit Arab tribes to stop the Daud Bolad Movement, followed by the war of the rebel Movements in Darfur, and arming Sheikh Musa Hilal under the pretext of stopping what they called the establishment of the Greater Zaghawa State.
They fabricated false publications, describing them as Chadian and non-Sudanese, which is the same scenario used now in the ongoing war with the opposite parties describing the Rapid Support Forces as foreign invaders, and that they want to establish the Attawa State and gather what they called the Arab diaspora in Sudan.
The discourse of racism, regionalism and tribalism is one of the Islamist Movement’s weapons, it combines the use of said weapon with a huge media machine that mobilizes all material and human capabilities, covering it with religious fatwas from the Sultan’s scholars.
Therefore, we will witness more of these massacres unless this Brotherhood-ISIS organization is swept away from the Sudanese scene, especially since the essence of this ideology is violence.