The War, Darfur Movements and December Revolution

Dr. Suleiman Sandal Haqar

The Sudanese people, who were looking forward to peace and stopping this disastrous war, focused on the battles that had reignited, with momentum, in the capital. However, the old, renewed central mentality, represented by the remnants and the criminal Port Sudan group, had planned to bring the war back to Darfur once again, to take Darfur back to (2003), utilizing the mercenary Movements, new militias, some opportunists, a number of deceived youth, and a significant number of those who fell victim to the dense treacherous media of the remnants, which turned red into blue, and succeeded in completely blocking the view of a number of things.

However, the leadership of those Movements had a clear vision, which they took as an opportunity to mobilize and rally the youth, with false claims and resonant slogans, but they were false and disconnected from reality. Their goal was to scoop up as much of the people’s money as they wanted, and to remain their positions as long as they wanted. As for the blood of the youth and their future, let it go in vain and be blown away by the winds. Rather, such a matter doesn’t concern them in the slightest.

The leaders of these mercenary Movements have failed the test of principles and values of the revolution for which they worked for nearly a quarter of a century. They fell at the moment of revealing the truth and reality. The revolution of the marginalized that they denied and sold in the slave market remains and will remain strong as well.

This fleeting cloud that has deceived some of the revolutionary youth will dissipate, and they will realize the truth soon, and with all their strength, they will return to the embrace of the compassionate revolution, but after we have lost dear and precious lives.

Today, the battles of sadness took place in the far north of Darfur. Everyone is a loser, and the winner is the Port Sudan group and the remnants, the wretched and buried National Congress regime. But these are the fates of history.

Its rather difficult for those who have lived under oppression and injustice for many years to learn the lesson, except with these great losses in lives. The Darfur region, that has witnessed genocide and crimes against humanity, is promised time with history.

Let the march to consolidate the unity of Sudan, land and people, and declare the banners of change begin from here. Soon peace and security will prevail in all of Darfur, and even all of Sudan, despite the National Congress Party, the remnants, and all the militias, battalions, and Movements allied with it.

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