The story of the Dialogue with Al Kizan

Rasha Awad

The call for holding a dialogue with Al-Kizan to stop the war is a meaningless endeavor, because Al-Kizan, until further notice, have lost their sense of hearing to any voice except the voice of their base selfishness.

They will not regain their sense of hearing to the voices of others except in one case only, which is the collapse of their military power and loss of their tools to subjugate others!

They will not stop biting unless their teeth fall out!

This is their state of mind and their statement together!

Therefore, whoever believes the country’s salvation is in the political forces accepting each other must convince Al-Kizan that they are ordinary citizens of this country, not masters and guardians, and they ought to accept that the page of their shameful era has been turned. However, suggesting that the political forces opposing Al-Kizan are the guilty party, the exclusionists and the reason behind obstructing the so-called Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue is a fallacy of reality.

The democratic forces accepted the Popular Congress Party, Ali Al-Hajj’s faction, because it took a respectable stance against the October 25th coup and opposed this war, calling for its cessation, but what is the basis for dialogue with those who raise the banners of hanging the last affiliate of the (FFC) with the intestines of the last of the Janjaweed!

These idiots still believe they have the ability to make others repent. Are the forces of peace and democratic transformation required to attend the Islamists and announce their repentance for the revolution and its goals, pledging allegiance to Ali Karti to listen and obey and ask him for forgiveness!

Without any exaggeration, this is the ceiling of the Islamists’ expectations, because they are in a coma, removed from reality, and even if all the democratic forces came together to make such a concession to the gentlemen of the Islamists, this wouldn’t lead to stopping the war, because the other party in the military field wouldn’t be convinced by such conditions for peace, and there is no worldly logic that establishes peace on complete submission to the conditions of the militarily defeated party that rejects the principle of negotiation.

These facts are very painful because they mean the war will continue until its parties become exhausted and unable to continue, and we don’t know when that will be and what will its tragic consequences entail for the citizens and the unity of the country.!

We hope that a real will for peace will emerge, prompting the two warring parties towards a negotiated solution, nevertheless, it is decidedly unfair to hold the political forces responsible for the continuation of the war under the pretext of their rejection of the dialogue of the National Congress Party.

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