Attention and Ignorance

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

In the fields of falsehood..
The sun of truth is waning..
And someone comes along swearing he is the voice of truth, knowing that he is the last voice lost in the awakening of conscience!!

Yesterday, the US President Joe Biden and UAE President Mohamed bin Zayed expressed concerns that Sudan would attract transnational terrorist networks once again. They indicated their shared concern about the risk of imminent atrocities, especially with the ongoing fighting in Darfur, and stressed the need for all parties to the conflict to comply with their obligations under International Humanitarian Law, and to hold accountable all individuals and groups that commit war crimes.

The two presidents stressed that the current priority must be to protect civilians, especially women, children and the elderly, and to secure humanitarian pauses in order to increase and facilitate the movement of humanitarian aid into the country and across conflict lines, as well as to ensure the delivery of aid to those in need, especially the most vulnerable.

They affirmed their joint commitment to de-escalate the conflict, alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, and ensure the delivery of humanitarian assistance. They expressed their deep concern about the millions of people displaced by the war, the hundreds of thousands suffering from famine, and the atrocities committed by the warring parties against the civilian population. They stressed that no military solution can end the conflict in Sudan, reaffirming their unwavering position in regards to the necessity of taking concrete and immediate measures to achieve a permanent cessation of hostilities, a return to the political process, and a transition to civilian rule.

The apprehension expressed by the two presidents is a general state of anxiety experienced by the world due to the Sudanese crisis, which has become the leading crisis in the world and a source of concern for all heads of State except the Sudanese government, which doesn’t share this feeling with the rest of world and whose last concern is worrying about an ordeal of their own making, a government that prides itself every day on increasing its production of citizen pain.

In light of the crisis, Al-Burhan is trying to repair the cracked wall of the government by issuing decisions related to dismissal and appointment, and in the presence of the representative of the head of the Judiciary Authority and the Secretary-General of the Council, the news reported that Bahr al-Din Adam Karama is taking the oath before the head of the Coup Council as governor of West Darfur state.

In Khartoum state, the governor is practicing his executive and social activities as if the country isn’t experiencing war. The appearance of this man in fictitious events held amidst the rubble causes the death of many citizens who returned to the city thinking it was safe since the governor doesn’t seem to get tired of moving about, hence they found themselves on death’s path due to the artillery shelling of the Rapid Support Forces.

The same level of disregard for the crisis is practiced by the Port Sudan government, which is still concluding its economic deals with international companies to expand its investments.

The state of disconnection from reality that Al-Burhan’s government is experiencing, along with the state of convergence with its interests that continue with the continuation of the war, makes it as if the government wants to erase from its memory what the people of Sudan are experiencing in the vicinity of its dark side, which reveals daily the cruelty of shelling, killing, looting and theft.

Citizens are suffering in displacement areas, and others sleep at the gates of the commission for days and nights, haunted by humiliation and affront, in line stands a child extending his hand to get a single meal at a time when the Port Sudan government is suffering from (gluttony) from excessive consumption of ready-made (fast) food and the people are threatened by hunger.

A state of separation from the miserable reality that they are trying to push away by issuing appointment decisions, taking oaths, and ruling cities and states that are basically empty in light of the areas simmering with conflict, especially in the city of El-Fasher.

This separation as a case creates a third vacuum between the battlefields and the fields of corruption, a space in which the government practices its favorite game, which is based on building and constructing the empire of imaginary rule based on the principle that cities shouldn’t necessarily be lit and safe for residents to live in, the important thing is that signs with their names are present

So what is the benefit of appointing a governor for West Darfur in light of what the state is suffering from in terms of killing, displacement and migration of its citizens, and what is the benefit of his oath before a general who was never true to his own oath, for Al-Burhan lied in his oath that he was protecting his country and his people, respecting their desire for change and democratic transformation, so what did he do!!

Sudan witnessed the worst days under his rule, which history will undoubtedly devote the murkiest pages to in his black era.

The strange thing is that the government isn’t experiencing any anxiety in regards to what is happening to the citizen in every site of suffering from war, despite the state of anxiety that the entire world is living in.

All international organizations as well as the international community are now looking for urgent solutions to the Sudanese crisis, except for the Sudanese government, which is putting in place a new vision through the replacement and substitution of governors and ministers in order to continue to walk the path of (a government without people).

In Conclusion:


The Foreign Minister stated that the military resolution to end the rebellion finds support and backing from all segments of society

(What society)!!.

“Al-Jareeda” Newspaper

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