The story of a girl raped by Al Burhan who assassinated her aunt

Mohamed Issa Arbab

Halima Siddiq Mohammad Nur, a girl, a minor with only (16) years to her name. Tells the story of her rape and the assassination of her aunt at the hands of the Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Armed Forces. She tells the story with all the pain, sorrow, and feeling of injustice and grief.. A story that makes you raise your eyebrows past the level of astonishment, wonder, and surprise. Yes, it is a very real story that isn’t inspired by imagination nor is it derived from novels or movies.

It is a vivid and prominent fact. The events took place on the 5th of March 2005 in the city of (Zalingei). She is perhaps one of the victims of the commander of the region at the time, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. Yes, he is the same person who currently sits in command of the Sudanese Amy.

Two decades ago, in a flagrant violation of human rights, he committed his heinous act of violating the honor of a minor girl and raping her repeatedly, exploiting his authority as an Army Officer who should have been her protector instead of practicing sexual and psychological violence against her and assassinating her aunt afterwards, in an effort to hide the traces of his brutal crime on the one hand and terrorize his victim, the minor girl (Halima) on the other hand, committing the most horrific forms of violations and atrocities. Where did this person -whom even Satan seeks refuge from- come from? I wonder how many people has this damned devil victimized. This is perhaps one of the stories that found its way to people. There is no doubt the hidden is more immense.

There are stories told by some of the people of (Zalingei) about this riotous officer who dranks alcohol until he was known among the people as a drunkard and he became a proverb when someone drinks a lot of alcohol. He says: (Tonight I got so drunk, I was seriously Burhan).

I was told that the man continued to exploit his high position in the Army and drink alcohol from his female saleswomen without paying for it. Imagine with me the ignobility and vileness of this scoundrel. The man drinks alcohol, gambles, has women and commits all sorts of atrocities. For he is immersed in filth up to his ears.

We have spent years of our lives in this mortal world and until this moment we hear plenty of events, stories and tales, but this story is full of tragedies that make the forehead sweat, make the eyes tear up and the heart bleed…

A story that has placed us all before a moral responsibility to deal with it with the necessary seriousness and put forth effort to stop the chaos our people have been exposed to throughout the dark years in which this clique ruled, destroying the crops and the people, devastating the homeland and spreading corruption on earth without beginning or end in sight. Where are we from that woman who cried out (Oh, Mu’tasim!) and Mu’tasim sent a huge Army to rescue her.

The tragedy of the victim (Halima) is one of the painful tragedies and very serious stories that require attention, especially from human rights and women’s organizations, and it needs all forms of psychological and moral support and providing the necessary protection for her and her family because the criminal killer who committed this heinous crime against her is fortified in power with the gangs of religious fanaticism that ignited the April 15th war to abort the glorious December revolution and continue the authority of killing, rape, forced displacement and the State of injustice.

And we shall return…

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