The Manifestations of Sudan war’s Hidden Kindness

Al-Jameel Al-Fadil

I imagine, if it weren’t for the blessed December Revolution, the spark of the accursed April War wouldn’t have erupted in the first place. Rather, I can say with confidence and certainty: If it weren’t for the outbreak of this war, with its bitterness and cruelty, the December Revolution wouldn’t have completed, in the foreseeable future, its victory that took on a purely formal manner that was evident from the beginning in (2019).

In fact, it was a false victory that was satisfied with removing and displacing the outer shell and cover of the “Muslim Brotherhood” regime, in what was known as the play of isolating the symbol of the regime’s authority, “Omar al-Bashir”, and keeping him in a safe place.

I also believe that the task of completing the goals of this revolution couldn’t have been achieved without taking this painful, arduous and extremely costly path… “the path of war”.

Its a naturally rough path, tiring and hateful, and all the revolutions in the world that have brought about great change in the lives of their people had been forced to take it.

Following the French Revolution, which has become an example of revolutions eating their children who emerged from its womb.

However, in the great “peaceful” Sudanese revolution that dazzled the world with its wonderful peacefulness, the events deviated from the usual pattern and custom of the revolutions we have known, for a generous and kind Lord spared these young people, “the backbone of the revolution,” from committing acts of violence, despite the repeated attempts of the “Muslim Brotherhood” utilizing various means and schemes to drag them into such violence.

Moreover, I believe that one of the signs and evidences of the kindness of the “the Subtle and All-Knowing” towards the people of Sudan is that He, the Almighty, has redeemed the “the forces of this revolution” by transferring the consequences of the war that was inevitable… a bill and a tax, onto the shoulders of the “the forces of the counter-revolution” alone.

Therefore, I look at this war as one of the revolution stages, although it certainly came with a different set of tools and nature.

For its a war that is currently consuming with its fires the enemies of the revolution first, then those who joined it unjustly, along with others who infiltrated its ranks like Trojan horses, with the aim of infiltrating it in order to completely hinder its goals’ achievement, or at least to slow down the progress towards those goals.

The entirety of the situation is taking place in addition to what will happen as a result of the “war trap” that has brought down, without exception, all those savage forces that carried out, together and with blatant criminal complicity, the massacre of the dispersal of the sit-in at the General Command, and the 25th of October 2021 Coup, as well as the subsequent fall of more than a hundred young men and women of the revolutionaries in the demonstrations opposing the same coup.

It now seems to me, as if all the forces that had worked with all their might to abort this blessed revolution, were offered -by the hand of power- today as a sacrifice for an imminent victory that will restore the affairs of the revolution to their proper place again.

The Almighty has lured this group with some of the “arrogance of the oblivious”, which has taken over them with the utmost tyranny, to lead them to destruction with heedlessness and recklessness, from where they do not expect or know, by throwing them into the holocaust of this war, which has itself become the shortest path to achieving the goals of the great revolution, and to reaching its great aims, that the “Muslim Brotherhood” in particular, and those who supported them, knowingly or ignorantly, don’t wish or even bear to see realized in reality.

The scenario of this war, I imagine, truly represents a situation where scheming backfires, and a vision of how evil plotting can only encompass its authors ?

Or how can God make the fate of a people in their destruction ?

Since the events of this war as a whole reflect an ideal model meaning of striking the oppressors with oppressors.

Naturally, those who are united by interests and hypocrisy, God will give some of them power over others, as it was said in the hadith: “Whoever assists an oppressor, God will give them power over him.” This is a wisdom that is confirmed in the Qur’an, where God Almighty says: “And thus do We let some of the wrongdoers rule over others for what they used to earn.”

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