Sudanese Congress Party clarifies position on UN forces in Sudan

The Sudanese Congress Party welcomed the recommendations of the United Nations’ Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan, which called for the deployment of an independent peacekeeping force to protect civilians and expand the arms embargo to include all regions of the country.

The Party confirmed in an official statement that these recommendations reflect the deteriorating situation experienced by civilians in light of the ongoing conflict.

The statement explained that welcoming these recommendations comes in the context of the notable escalation of the conflict between the warring parties, with the continuation of horrific violations against civilians. Pointjng out that these violations led to missing opportunities to reach a peaceful solution, such as the recent talks held in Switzerland, which the Armed Forces failed to attend.

The Sudanese Congress Party stressed the importance of taking effective steps to protect civilians, stressing the need for the international community to respond to these recommendations and ensure the safety of citizens. The Party reiterated as well the necessity of working to achieve comprehensive and sustainable peace in Sudan that guarantees the rights of all parties and stops the cycle of violence.

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