Al-Burhan’s speeches: A general in a maze !

Dr. Murtada Al-Ghali

Al-Burhan’s latest speech (a mere heresy) is nothing but a continuation of the previous pattern.. He takes solace (and what a miserable solace) in the meaningless, reckless sayings that Yasser Al-Atta kept uttering about the “Hundred Years’ War” while he is in a caricature with red medals and withered eyes, as if he were an imaginary general in a novel of “Gabriel Garcia Marquez,” passing the time, plucking the feathers of roosters.. after he lost the horse and considered the saddle’s survival a victory..!

Al-Burhan’s latest speech didn’t deviate from what people are accustomed to in his speeches since his ill-fated coup and even prior..! It’s usually full of hollow addresses that contradict reality and wade into the world of illusions.. as they delve without knowledge into the seas of politics..!

And the worst aspect is that they provoke the sects of Sudanese society biased against civilian citizens in favor of a political group, which is the National Congress Party, without ambiguity..! Rather, the civilian citizens who oppose the war bear the burdens of the war, the burdens of the National Congress Party, the burdens of the militias, as well as the burdens of the coup, and the burden of the crime of destroying the homeland, taking the lives of its people and displacing them.. These are burdens that the coup, the “Inqaz” group, their Movement, their mouthpieces, the remnants and their supporters from the affiliated Armed Movements, as well as the extremist and terrorist brigades, in addition to a group of self-interested people along with others from the (opportunistic activists) who triumph for themselves at the expense of the homeland and the blood of the people..!

Here lies the danger..! If the leadership of the country’s Army adopts a hostile attitude towards a group of citizens and considers their blood permissible.. while supporting another group of citizens..! Are there any minds understanding of these dangers enough to consult and reevaluate the situation with their conscience so that people would address said minds with the logic of reason and conscience ?! (And for whom do you recite your Psalms, O David) ..?!

Al-Burhan, Yasser Al-Atta, Minnawi, Al-Naji and the war squad will continue to fight for a hundred years…! But do they not know who the victims of the war usually are..?! Can they tell us how many civilians have died so far in this accursed war in comparison to the number of the Armed fighters killed..?!

People are dying on a daily basis from bullets and shells as well as the arbitrary aerial bombardment attacks launched by Al-Burhan’s military aircrafts..!

How dangerous and absurd it is that some are trying to make history by igniting war and spreading chaos..!?

Al-Burhan’s excuse for continuing the war is the implementation of the Jeddah Declaration.. and his condition is that the Rapid Support Forces must leave the homes..! This means that he is unable to drive them out.. that he wants them to leave according to the Jeddah Agreement..!

Can the provisions of the Jeddah Agreement be implemented without negotiations that end with assigning mechanisms that oblige the Rapid Support Forces to leave the homes of citizens ? Since its a well-known fact that the Jeddah Agreement doesn’t include “Implementation Mechanisms” and it was decided that the Mechanisms would be determined in later negotiations..?!

And even if the Rapid Support Forces leave the homes of citizens.. how can they be removed from the Army garrisons, from the cities and states that they liberated, lift the siege of the General Command Headquarters and vacate the Presidential Palace and Military Industrialization ? Can all the above be accomplished without negotiations ?!

Didn’t you participate in previous negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces in (Jeddah I and II) as well as in the IGAD, Geneva, Manama and Addis Ababa negotiations rounds.. in addition to other secret and public rounds ?!
Didn’t one of the Jeddah Agreement’s clauses entail refraining from any escalation or fueling the conflict as well as detaining the fugitives from prisons..!?

Was Al-Burhan able to “return those who escaped from prisons” .. so that he can confidently state that he has implemented his part of the Jeddah Agreement..?!

Can Al-Burhan return the leaders of the National Congress Party to the prisons from which they escaped (or were smuggled from) while they are explicitly accused of undermining the Constitutional system, looting, stealing, wasting resources, committing war crimes and (crimes of genocide and high treason) ?!

How long will the “Hundred Years War” last, for we are in its second year.. And the latest news of the victories of Al-Burhan’s soldiers and the Port Sudan government is that they are advancing in the “Doha neighborhood” axis adjacent to “Al-Shajara” area south of Khartoum.. and that they succeeded in securing the procession of “Nada Al-Qalaa,” who is a popular singer from the (warmongering female singers) who dance over the blood of the Sudanese people.. She is a singer who lacks popular respect, especially after her song “Al-Sharif Mabsoot Meni”.. which the general Sudanese sentiment considered (an offensive stigma) that doesn’t befit the expression of art.. and (a stab with shameful connotations) against society and public decorum… May God never grant you victory !


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