The Satan Worshipers!

Zuhair Al-Sarraj

Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, who calls himself – the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Sudanese Army’s speech about refusing to negotiate and his readiness for war even if it lasted a hundred years, has only two interpretations..

The first of which is that, he doesn’t care about the gruesome suffering that the Sudanese people are experiencing locally and abroad because of the war. He doesn’t care or feel affected if they live, die, starve, get sick or become homeless and their children lose any prospect of education while they become unemployed, vagrants, thieves, slaves, prostitutes and captives of other nations. In addition, he doesn’t care if the name of Sudan and the Sudanese are erased from existence, as long as his dream of ruling is achieved even over a small, worthless ruin!

I wish he was the ruler and the one with the authority to give orders in that small ruin, but he will merely be a slave, a clown and a buffoon for a misleading, misguided group that has no religion, possesses no sense of patriotism and no morals, controlling him as they desire and directing him as they please, issuing instructions and directives that he carries out submissively, humiliated, without understanding or knowing what he is ordered to do, for he isn’t concerned about understanding or knowing, but only carrying them out.

Just like what happens recently when the leader of the misguided group “Ali Karti” gave him the orders and instructions that he received from his masters abroad to kill the Sudanese and destroy Sudan, and both buffoons are slaves and followers of Satan… without religion, morals, values, principles, chivalry, manliness, dignity or anything but (triviality) in its most degrading meanings!

Imagine.. This criminal, the servant of Satan, who doesn’t care about the fate of a nation as a whole; whether it dies or lives, if honored or humiliated, if displaced or scattered across the earth, if the future of its sons and daughters is lost or if they turn into pimps and prostitutes, “he” wants to become the president and ruler of this nation.. Which nation ? What people ? Which country do you wish to rule over while you are so selfish, devilish, petty, depraved and a criminal..?!

Yes, Abdul Fattah Al-Burhan, you are depraved and you aren’t a servant to (Al-Fattah, Al-Wahhab, Ar-Rahmaan, Ar-Raheem), but a slave to the accursed Satan who orders you to exterminate an entire population and destroy their State as well as their future so that you can rule over them.. How utterly stupid, how can you become a ruler over a nation after displacing them ? And over a State after destroying it ? However, what mind will you use to think when you’re nothing but a servile slave to a human devil, who receives orders from Satan ? That is, you are a servile slave to a servile slave to an accursed devil, so where do you or he get the manhood, morals or reason !?

Who do you want to fight for a hundred years, you servile servant of the devil of mankind and jinn ? Who do you want to destroy, displace and humiliate ? The people you want to rule and become their president ? Or those you are currently fighting against and boasting that you’ll fight for another hundred years ? As if you are the invincible victor, when the people and the world are a daily witness to your defeats, scandals and escape, betraying the homeless, starved, lost people and destroying homeland.

Has your stupidity, arrogance, conceit and obedience to the devil reached the point where you decided that you will live a hundred years longer than you have already lived, fighting, achieving your goals and controlling the life and future of an entire nation, as well as deciding destinies, honoring and humiliating whomever you want as you deem fit ? Controlling their blessings as you are capable of everything, surpassing in infidelity, stupidity and conceit even the devil whose arrogance hasn’t gone beyond talking about seducing the unfaithful among God’s servants, but you want to live as you desire and fight as you deem appropriate and decide the fate of everyone.. As if you are the god of the universe, O worshipper of the accursed Satan !

Your sick mind, you foolish, dreamy, fugitive, lost, arrogant fool, imagines that you’re sitting among the mercenaries, warmongers, and female singers – who you spend a cut of the looted money on, send them planes at the expense of the people, carrying them from abroad to your hideout in Port Sudan so you can tell them illusions and lies.

You have Sudan and the Sudanese people in the palm of your hand, so you went wild, butted heads, declared the continuation of the war even for another hundred years, and they applaud, shouting in jubilation for you, you fool, not because they love you but so that you’d bestow upon them gifts, then they’ll curse you tomorrow, not because you failed to win, but so that you’ll give them more to avoid their foul tongues that are rather excited about the defeat even if it continued for another hundred years so they can get rich and enrich themselves further at the expense of the Sudanese people!!

But why should the war continue for a hundred years, you foolish dreamer, after it was (six hours) then (a week or two weeks), as one of your foolish representatives pronounces it?!

The reason behind your inability to win even if the war lasts for a hundred or even a thousand years is that; Victory is for the men who are true to their covenant with God, and not for the helpless, the submissive, the disappointments, the thieves, the merchants of religion and the worshippers of the accursed Satan.
This is the second interpretation of your statement about your readiness for war even if it lasts a hundred years.. You delusional, helpless, defeated dreamer!

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AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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