Days are alternating cycles

Safaa Al-Fahal

The head of the Security Committee and his group of Islamists are the ones who (trained) the peaceful nationalists of the East to use the (sit-in) as a weapon, when the aforementioned general exploited their -and their leader Terik’s- affenity for money to incite them to close the National Road as well as the port to serve his personal interests and malicious coup intentions, aiming to undermine the civilian government, forgetting that days are alternating cycles and that this simple group must one day wake up from its slumber in search for its usurped rights and use the same weapon against him.

Today, the same group that he thought was weak, submissive and ignorant is back to using the same weapon against him when (Mohamed Arkar) announced alongside a group of Beja chieftains their intention to join the sit-in at “Osman Digna” Port, threatening to close the (Aqaba) and cut off the road or the only pathway with the rest of the country if the general doesn’t implement the repeated false promises that he kept giving them and grant them their legitimate rights that he kept evading throughout the past period.

They are the ones who supported him while they were exposed, sick and without development or real representation in the supposed government that he (i.e the general) built on their shoulders and land, then he favored the Darfuri Movement rebels over them to enjoy the country’s wealth while he proceeds to -mockingly- throws them crumbs.

The return of awareness to the youth of the East, the descendants of Osman Digna, was expected despite the tight security grip that continued to be exercised by the henchmen of this establishment in power from the National Congress Party and the mercenaries.

The deteriorating state that the people and cities of the East have reached, the poverty, tuberculosis, cholera and overall environmental deterioration that followed after the region became a hub and haven for every fugitive from justice, necessitated the restoration of national awareness to these simple, peaceful people, prompting them to lead the revolution looming on the horizon.

And so that Al-Burhan and his group don’t continue in their belief that the people of the East are weak fools, we would like to inform him that there is a revolution of awareness led by the generation of the December Revolution, and they know that his intransigence at their expense by refusing to lean towards peace and his continued hostility towards the whole world will only serve to increase the Sudanese people’s suffering.

Naturally, they wouldn’t allow that and will instead open the gates of hell on him before the curse of the international community is imposed on them. The first rain has definitely begun and the rain will be pouring down in the coming days, for eventually, the truth prevails, even if “Terik” -who began his retreat by announcing his asceticism in political work in order to save himself from the flood- hates it.

Yes to peace.. and the revolution continues.
Accountability and retribution are a banner that will never fall..
Glory and forgiveness be upon those who gave their lives for the new Sudan..


AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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