Abdul Hayy.. The Sheikh of Theft and the Mufti of Blood!

Ali Ahmed

I am certain that as soon as any Sudanese national reads the title above, they’ll shout “Abdul Hayy Youssef”, as this freak masquerading in the form of an abnormal human being, has no aim in this life except striving to destroy it, and he issues nothing but fatwas of killing, death, banditry, destruction and devastation.
Didn’t he issue a fatwa to the ousted president Omar al-Bashir during the people’s revolution against him, permitting the killing of a third of the Sudanese people, then attributed this fatwa of criminal activity to the Maliki school of thought ? – There is no might or strength save in Allah.

He is neither a sheikh nor a jurist. He went back to celebrating human barbecue from his hideout in Türkiye, which he sneaked into secretly for fear of being tried on charges of financial corruption (and he has yet to return). He has yet to return to fight as he urges others to do to attain the honor of martyrdom and intercede for seventy of his family and marry the houris, but he failed to do so, he fled to “Istanbul” and he has yet to return, even though he went back to his deadly and murderous fatwas, the last of which was on Monday, entitled: “The ruling on targeting areas that represent nurturing social environments for the Rapid Support Forces’ rebels.”

Before we discuss the summary of this bloody fatwa, let us address its title, as the man isn’t ashamed to declare his racism and tribal fanaticism, and his adoption of the obscene and backward incitement discourse that interprets the war as an ethnic and tribal conflict.

By God, isn’t this idiot ashamed to use the term (nurturing social environment) with its strong and overwhelming racist odor?! Isn’t a man who describes himself as a jurist, scholar, and sheikh ashamed to adopt the language of fools, commoners, and the rabble ? Didn’t I tell you that he is “disgusting”, i didn’t come up with this description, rather its from the saying of the Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and grant him salvation, regarding tribal fanaticism “Leave it, for it is disgusting”! And Abdul Hayy Youssef has always refused to leave it, so he is dirty and disgusting as the description above applies to him.

This disgusting man dared to state this, after citing all the religious (legal) evidence that prohibits the killing of civilians, innocents, women, and children and even prohibits cutting down fruitful trees and destroying buildings, homes, and properties, even those that belong to infidels. He cited hadiths and narrations that prohibit, prevent, and emphasize the importance of not attacking innocent people.

However, he quickly backtracked with his fatwa, he took all this legal evidence that he himself had provided and threw it in the garbage, just because the fatwa was related to striking those he and his devilish brothers from the political Islam and corruption group (the Muslim Brotherhood) called the nurturing social environments for the Rapid Support Forces, so he said: “But if the bombing was intended for those oppressive rebels (referring to the Rapid Support Forces), and those who sought refuge with them, those who support and encourage them (meaning those he called the nurturing social environments). Therefore, if there are any unintended casualties of the bombing, then there is nothing wrong, especially if we learn that the weapons used in modern wars don’t differentiate between young and old, or between men and women.”

Meaning, he is telling the Army leaders to kill those thought of as “nurturing social environments” for the Rapid Support Forces, be it women, men or children without mercy, without being moved by pity or compassion for them, despite the religious evidence that he (i.e. Abdul-Hayy) mentioned in the fatwa, despite religion and morals, despite what God and His Messenger recommended, and there is no might or strength save in Allah.

The man has reached a level of insanity, tyranny and arrogance towards the Qur’an and Sunnah that hasn’t been reached by the most infidel of infidels, nor the most atheist of atheists, not even the most dishonest of liars and deceivers, not the greatest of hypocrites, or the most foolish of fools.
What a bloody, disgusting murderer, who has nothing to do with religion or morals, and who doesn’t care about what is between the covers of the Qur’an; otherwise, he would have stopped to consider the noble verse of “And no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another.”

This corrupt bloodthirsty “koz” and the dirty bearded groups with him in “Türkiye” are the root sources of the corruption, hatred, violence and bloodshed that has been flowing in our country for the past years.
Unless these hateful bloody types are eliminated and uprooted, we will never achieve victory.

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