Egypt.. Stop conspiring and brokering.. Stop the war!!

Abd al-Rahman al-Kalas

For an existing authority, even if it isn’t recognized, to allow the government of neighboring countries to handle its external files, this, for my life, is something that goes beyond infringement on Sovereignty to colonialism in its old, direct, ugly face, but we live in the era of “Abdul Fattah al-Burhan,” the representative of the Sublime Porte to the Dome Palace !

The Sudanese people are wondering about the Egyptian role in their political, economic, and sovereign affairs. They feel sorrow, heartbreak and shame, as well as bitterness because they are required to applaud “Cairo” while it does all of this to them. Otherwise, why stop negotiations to stop hostilities and secure paths to deliver aid to the hungry ?

What makes Egypt an obstacle to achieving a breakthrough regarding stopping the Sudanese war through negotiations ? It isn’t me who says this, but rather this was confirmed by even the treason envoy, “Abu Namu,” himself.

“Mohamed Bashir Abu Namu,” the envoy of the Port Sudan government who was expected to meet “Tom Perriello,” the US Special Envoy for Sudan in Cairo, shared in a statement to an Egyptian newspaper yesterday that the Sudanese delegation was ready and had packed its bags awaiting a signal from Egypt.
This was the signal that “broke the camel’s back,” as Abu Namu explained unequivocally that, “They are dealing soley with the Egyptian side, who had informed them of the invitation and is charged with giving them the signal that the American delegation is ready, or asks them to postpone for a specific time or even cancel.”

So, what happened ?

Tom Perriello stated: “The cancellation of the meeting with the Port Sudan government delegation in Egypt was due to the delegation’s violation of the protocols.”

Ok, who informed the American envoy, who didn’t communicate directly with the Port Sudan delegation, that the latter had violated protocol ? It’s the Egyptian side !

So why did the Egyptian side do that ? They did it to thwart the “Geneva” negotiations, just as it thwarted the “Jeddah” platform and the “Manama” Agreement in coordination with Al-Burhan and his kizan !

Since the beginning of the war, Egypt has played a negative role in fueling it. Rather, it participated with its weapons, army, planes, and pilots in the aerial bombardment of our country, destroying most of the factories and vital projects in front of the eyes of the greatest traitor, “Abdel Fattah al-Burhan,” under the pretext of helping him militarily, and here it is supporting -secretly- the Military option over the peaceful one.
Rather, Egypt is selling Chinese warplanes (Egyptian-modified) to Al-Burhan’s Army and his “kizan” and collects payments in (cash) from the State of Qatar, because it wants the Army to rule in alliance with the Islamic Movement and its ousted National Congress party.

This is what no negotiations will provide, even if they take place in the heart of Cairo, because the basis of the negotiations will be (except for the former regime) the establishment of a new unified professional Army that will return to its barracks and will not play any political role in the future -and this is precisely what Egypt cannot bear to hear- and that the military will vacate the political space for the civilians. Egypt hates the latter intensely, because it knows if they rule Sudan, the situation will change drastically, and Sudanese interests will be given priority over Egyptian interests in everything: from Sudan’s share of the Nile waters to the “loose” Sudanese products that Egypt exports as its own !

Even though Egypt is a major contributor to the consultation of the war in Sudan, it failed to pay attention to the fact that, in the aforementioned scenario Egypt will be harmed first in the medium and long term. And it must come to terms with the fact that the return of the Army to power in Sudan alone or in alliance with Al-Kizan, and picking thorns with bare hands is nothing compared to this.

Egypt needs to understand that Al-Kizan are taking advantage of Egypt (government, of course) to return to power, then they’ll proceed to show it the flip side of the coin later on. The statement issued by its Intelligence Director, “Abbas Kamel,” that Al-Kizan of Sudan practice corruption, not terrorism, is a false and naive statement that Egypt will pay a high price for in the long run !

Despite everything, Egypt is making every effort, dedicating for this purpose an Intelligence Officer with modest abilities named (Ahmed Adly), who is its former Consul General in Sudan, in order for Al-Kizan to return to power on the back of a defeated, broken Army, except in its official media and in paid accounts on social media. Because on the ground, everyone can clearly see and hear the truth.

This subversive role played by Egypt portrays it as an unprofessional war broker. It mediates with everyone: America, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and even Qatar, trying to get close to the Sudanese civil forces -who are very, very naive with regard to Egypt- and then stabs them in the back (Cairo Conference), which was attended by (TAGADOM) and they gained nothing from it but granting legitimacy to Egypt as a neutral mediator !

Egypt attempts at times to flirt with the Rapid Support Forces (from afar). Perhaps it will change its rhetoric about establishing a new professional Army and returning the Military to the barracks, and when it changes its rhetoric, it attacks and pounces on them, as it did before in the ill-fated Burhan/Hemedti Coup on the 25th of October 2021, which It was prepared in Cairo, before they attacked it on the 15th of April 2023, to try to get rid of the Rapid Support Forces and the civilians once and for all!

The truth is that El-Sisi’s current state, which is based on pretentiousness, begging, brokerage, and conspiracy, will not stop its “foolishness” and its conspiracy on the ground. If it did, its arteries would stiffen prompting an instant death, because it lives on this poor fodder. Therefore, it will not contribute to stopping the war even if half of the Sudanese population dies. They’re not Egyptians, and they don’t deserve to live.

The current Egyptian policy towards Sudan is a “nonsense” and dull policy, and Intelligence Officer Ahmed Adly and his president, Abbas Kamel, are similar to this policy and add more to it.

Egypt; Enough with the conspiring and brokering. Stop the war.

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