Saving a country !!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

He sees failure from the first step, as well as escape in the palm of a mirage
What a sin this is
Thay was fragmented by stubbornness
From the maze
What is this woven hope ?
Pain and loss!!

Complete secrecy shrouded the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s discussions with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi on Tuesday regarding the Sudanese issue, and the Egyptian media focused on disclosing only details regarding the Palestinian issue.

However, the US State Department shared in a statement that it discussed with Egypt the ongoing efforts to end the war in Sudan, and Secretary Blinken also welcomed Egypt’s active participation in the talks in “Switzerland”.

The two sides noted the importance of providing unhindered access to humanitarian aid to Sudanese civilians.

It is a well-known fact that the visit of Blinken and the US Special Envoy for Sudan, Tom Perriello to Egypt during the course of the “Geneva” talks made the meeting with the Sudanese delegation at the top of the agenda, which Tom revealed by saying, “We will go to Egypt to meet the delegation of the Sudanese Armed Forces upon arrival or contact them in any way they choose.”

This means that the topic of the American delegation’s visit agenda is the Sudanese crisis, not the Palestinian crisis, especially since America, in its discussions, emphasized the importance of the Sudanese issue to it after mobilizing -for the first time- all departments of the US government from the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon, Congress and the “CIA” for the “Geneva” talks.

All this interest and higher representation from the American administration, despite the lack of representation of the Sudanese government in the talks, indicates that there is -undoubtedly- something bigger than the presence or absence of the Army delegation.

Therefore, it is an interest that makes the Sudanese issue of utmost importance, especially at the present time when all humanitarian disasters are affecting the Sudanese citizen, including death, hunger, diseases and displacement.

However, why were the details of the meeting between “Blinken” and “El-Sisi” shrouded in secrecy ? And why were there no more details disclosed in regards to the Sudanese issue ? The calm that could be followed by a storm perhaps.

Undoubtedly, the American delegation was discontent after requesting Military representation, and Al-Burhan insisted on sending the same government delegation headed by the Minister of Minerals, Mohammed Bashir Abu Namu.

Nonetheless, the intention remains, to (show) the Palestinian issue on the screen in regards to the events of the visit and (hide) the Sudanese issue; Because there’s different design unaffected by the importance of who heads the Sudanese delegation.

Blinken’s visit may confirm that the United States of America has already reached the conviction to move to Plan (B), due to the deteriorating humanitarian conditions and the insistence of Lt. Gen. Al-Burhan on government representation!!

The arrival of an American delegation to Egypt, along with the arrival of a government delegation with (rejected) representation, reveals that there is a wide space and gap in understanding between the American administration and the Sudanese government, and this confirms that Blinken presented President El-Sisi with a new proposal that may not be necessary to announce now.

The United States’ demand from the beginning for a Military delegation and its insistence on it indicates that there is a scenario related to the territory that requires Military involvement and commitment, and the Army’s insistence on sending a (second) government delegation is because it is aware of this scenario, and is evading making any commitment in that regard.

But the absence or presence of the Army delegation with poor representation won’t change the reality at all, as all areas witnessing severe humanitarian damage will receive aid whether the Army agrees or refuses, because they are under the control of the Rapid Support Forces, from the Center to Darfur.
Therefore, the no-fly zone decision is the most expected decision at the conclusion of the “Geneva” talks or before then.

Perhaps Blinken visited Egypt, the only neighboring country that strikes into the strategic depth of Sudan, and whose role in the ceasefire process doesn’t stop with negotiation only. If America moves to Plan (B), then Egypt is one of the most important countries that can be relied on when it comes to implementing the operation that is now considered (Saving a country).

Hence, it isn’t a stretch of imagination at all to think that Blinken’s visit Egypt is to determine the preparation and readiness of the stage (the starting point) due to Egypt’s geographical location. Perhaps the important aspect of Blinken’s visit is examining the process of choosing the correct angle to score the goal, i.e. wherever the game’s parameters lie, Egypt is the appropriate point for its borders Sudan by land and sea!!

Which leads us to believe that perhaps, Blinken’s mission is greater than the stubbornness of Al-Burhan and his government as well as deeper than his view of the features of the Minister of Minerals !!

This is what makes secrecy necessary.

This is why Egypt may play a role greater than its mission as an Observer. In the peaceful plan (A), Egypt reserves the third seat in the Mediation countries, but in plan (B) it may advance to the forefront to be the destination of implementation !!

In Conclusion:

A nation stands in line on a daily basis to wait for a fistful of “Balila” for fear of starvation. Al-Burhan robs people of their dignity every day in a war that, in fact, is a war of humiliation.

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