Rejection with a “Yes” !!

Sabah Mohammed Al-Hassan

In the fields and maze of night
The sun of truth may recede
Retreat in silence
And then exit
How can it possible deal with the absence?
When it is the most in need of radiance and presence !!

The White House revealed that the Sudanese crisis tops its list of priorities, that it is planning to continue with the “Geneva” talks, issuing a statement confirming that (the focus is still on bringing both parties to the conflict in Sudan back to the negotiating table).

According to the statement issued by the US State Department, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken renewed the invitation to Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and stressed to him the urgent need to end the war in Sudan. Blinken reaffirmed the necessity of participating in the ongoing peace talks in “Switzerland” to achieve full implementation of the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan.

However, Lt. Gen. Shams al-Din al-Kabbashi stated that they wouldn’t participate in “Geneva”; Because the Army doesn’t want to expand the “Jeddah” platform, and it objects to Blinken addressing Al-Burhan as “the general”, in addition, they’re adhering to a delegation that represents the government, not the Army.

Everything mentioned by Al-Kabbashi blatantly attests to how the Army is still a prisoner of the remnants of the former regime. It is rather shameful for a Lieutenant General and a deputy Commander in the Military Institution to refuse the Mediation’s request of assigning a delegation that represents the Armed Forces -to which they belong and lead- while insisting that the representation be for the government. Naturally, the Military Commander would have objections and reservations if the opposite happened, if the US demanded a government delegation that doesn’t represent the Army!!

The Armed Forces refuse to call the war “the Kizani War”, and in negotiations they insist on the participation of their government !! This only serves to prove and confirm what was always denied.

Actions and words clearly show that the leaders of the military establishment are nothing more than fronts for the defunct regime. There is no difference between them and “Ali Karti” except in military uniform. Their only concern is to please the government, regardless of the desires and satisfaction of the public waiting for the war to stop.

Al-Kabbashi is calling for the “Jeddah” platform, when he was the first to reject it. If the Mediation returned to “Jeddah” and invited the Army to negotiate, the Army would undoubtedly demand another platform.

The Army rejects the talks in “Switzerland” as it is the hub for international human rights organizations that are responsible for investigating all violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Therefore, the Army leaders don’t want to look in the mirror of their crimes, which will put them in the circle of (crime and punishment).

The United States left the “Jeddah” platform for “Geneva” for the sake of obtaining guarantees to the success of the “Jeddah” negotiations. Therefore, it won’t return unless a draft punishment is formulated to besiege those responsible for committing the violations that occurred.

That is, the Mediation postponed “Jeddah” as it is a (soft) negotiating platform in which the Military establishment wasted dozens of opportunities. Hence, what the Army is now asking for can be seen as a step backwards, and the US may believe it has surpassed that stage already.

However, despite the Army issuing statements rejecting the “Geneva” talks, the situation in reality only confirms that the Army welcomes it, as the latter announced opening of the “Adré” border crossing to deliver humanitarian aid to El-Fasher.

A step clearly in response to the “Geneva” -humanitarian in the first place- platform, where opening corridors is one of its most important goals to achieve, and this is rejection with a yes!!
But the question remains: Why is the Army so keen on affirming the rhetoric of rejecting the talks !? Because the Army understands that the chaos of the field in which the decision isn’t up to the Army Commanders, hence directly welcoming the Jeddah discussions may open a window of inconvenience, if not danger, to the “General” and his Security Committee.

Therefore, as we mentioned before, perhaps, Al-Burhan gave the US his approval -secretly- to continue its discussions, and that he will return to Sudan to raise the slogan of “No to negotiations,” which is why negotiations are moving forward regardless.

The results of these discussions and their consequences may not be a surprise to the Armed Forces, but they may come as a shock to the remnants of the defunct regime.

In conclusion:

Because discussions in Switzerland are heavy on the heart of the government, Gibril Ibrahim said that the Sudanese government won’t accept any Mediation imposed “forcibly,” even though Gibril’s opinion holds no weight.

However, the people say yes to oppressing the government and welcome peace !!

Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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