The “Geneva” negotiations and the principles of “Al-Kizan” and “Al-Burhan”

Mortada Al-Ghali

The “Kaizani Movement” is still clinging to the war and maneuvering to thwart any attempt to negotiate an end to this accursed war that has destroyed crops and killed livestock… after assuming control of the Army leadership’s decision and bridling Al-Burhan’s generals..!

Al-Kizan are still holding on to the frayed rope, one end of which is myths and delusions, while dementia that resembles insanity lies at the other end..!

They want to turn this immoral war into (Armageddon) in which they witness the destruction of the world and the annihilation of creation.
They dream about returning to power to continue the “evil system” that they have been practicing for thirty years, in addition to the past four years..! However, this time around, in a more sinister and criminal manner… in retaliation for the revolution that dethroned their misguidance and prompted them to flee in fear, seeking hideouts, sneaking into “basements” and running towards secret airports and bus stops…!

Recently, one of them, “Amin Hassan Omar,” came out in a sad, miserable manner with lost “blurry” eyes and said that they will support Al-Burhan and protect him if he maintained (the constants of religion)..!

Naturally, “Amin Hassan Omar” is speaking on behalf of the Brotherhood Movement, as he is one of the leaders, who continued to fluctuate in positions until the blessed revolution took place in auspicious December..!

This particular student or “Disciple” was closest to their Sheikh al-Turabi, even though he walked in the company of the defunct group and the people of “temporal authority” who had control over money, real estate and job listings that were blessed by the State… in addition to the approvals of “private authentic Anglican schools” that forced the students’ parents to pay tuition fees in dollars..!

We would like to know something about the “constants of religion” of the “Inqaz” group, which Amin Hassan Omar is asking Al-Burhan to preserve..! If Amin Hassan had a modicum of political acumen, he wouldn’t have mentioned religion (with its constants and dynamics)..!

He would’ve been more like his brothers or their supporters.. for they aren’t speaking currently about religion or principles so as not to remind people of their disgrace and their trade in the name of religion…. Rather, they changed their tone to speak (another tongue) with the misleading title of “The Nation’s Dignity,” “Protecting Honors,” and “Restoring Homes.”!

Have you seen this denial, hypocrisy, (uproar) and constantly changing slogans..! After the victory of the revolution, they said, “We participated in it.” After the ill-fated coup, they said that it was a “paid childish revolution.” This is how they change their words according to the circumstances, and they aren’t even slightly ashamed if they deny today what they said yesterday. Their slogan is (If the world became “Sika”, quickly turn it to “Tika”.)… where the meaning of “Sika” and “Tika” are of no context ..!

What are the constants of religion according to Al-Kizan group..?! Since they seized power in 1989 until the secession of the South in 2011, the ousted person declared in public (after 22 years of Al-Kizan in power) that during all these years they continued to practice (a faulty version of Sharia)…!

During all these years, Amin Hassan Omar was assuming job titles in the State and speaking… So what constants of religion does Al-Burhan now want to preserve ..?!

If Amin Hassan Omar had been (truly honest with himself) he wouldn’t have demanded Al-Burhan to fulfill the task of preserving the constants of religion..! He undoubtedly knows more than others about the biography of Al-Burhan and his path… and he fully understands whether Al-Burhan is among those who can be trusted to preserve the principles and constants of religion… (And let us take into consideration only the aspect of fulfilling promises and to avoid telling lies)..!

Naturally, it would be a rather boring repetition to talk in detail about the biography of the (thirty years) of “Inqaz” regime rule and the biography of the (current) Al-Burhan Authority… The bloody, unfortunate and shameful incidents throughout doesn’t only contradict religion and its constants.. but also challenges everything related to humanity and honor..!

They’re simply continuous episodes of indulging in bloodshed, taking innocent lives, practicing corruption, violating sanctities, and torturing innocent people…!

May God never grant them victory. Lord, may they never succeed in raising their banner, nor achieving a goal, and may they be an example for the whole world. For iindeed, You are the One who is near, the all-hearing and all-responsive !!

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