Equity and balance in regards to Al-Kizan’s positions

Ali Yassin

If you are looking for individuals worthy of respect and trust, then look first at the people who suffer more than their fair share of insults and accusations from Al-Kizan, for they are the people you are seeking.

God has made the attitudes of this accursed gang towards anyone or anything an accurate measure of the extent of their benefit or harm, and for this reason the people of Sudan will have, after the end of the war, God willing, a true measure for sorting out the good from the bad among the politicians and administrators.

This will be more than enough for them -in order to keep the malicious people out of the arena of politics and public work- to review Al-Kizan’s collection of praises and flirtations with the people. Which will in turn be of great help when appointing sufficient cadres for the State’s policy and administration from those whom God has bestowed with insults, slander and accusations of debauchery by Al-Kizan.

These servants of this world won’t budge from their lies until the “Gurgling Hour.” They will always persist in s3lling their blatant lie, claiming that they want (the word of God to be supreme). They will swear by a God whose existence they never believed in, that they want the afterlife. They will remain the same until the moment (they are uprooted from the land of Sudan). As the wise Sheikh and Martyr, Mahmoud Mohammed Taha predicted, its a moment, where we can clearly notice the signs, with our own eyes.

I am truly astonished by those who witnessed first-hand the era of Al-Kizani State in this country, and then still expect goodness from them. The accursed Satan himself never thought of “hiring” rapists of men, where the State pays their salaries, allowances, and “promotions” !!! Regardless of their latest crimes, the lightest of which on the balance scale was the importation of drugs by ship through the country’s main port !!!

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