The “Balbusi” Corruption Alliance !!

The "Balbusi" Corruption Alliance !!

The “Geneva” negotiations enter their second and third day in the absence of the Sudanese Army delegation, at a time when the latter’s leaders are pushing for conditions that are best implemented at the negotiating table and not (noisily over the radio and impassioned speeches).

Clearly, the Army leadership is no longer under pressure from the Islamic Movement, but rather from its arms, that are now fed up with any serious movements or steps that would stop the bloodshed and alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, who were destroyed by shells from the air and on the ground, whose hearts were ravaged by hunger, and whoever survived the bloodshed is suffering under the pressure of oppression in exile, displacement and asylum camps inside and outside the country.

The recent statements made by the Minister of Finance, Dr. Gibril Ibrahim, as well as the “commotion” that prevailed as a result of the “tweet” issued by the Minister of Minerals, Abu Namu, before his return from Jeddah, confirmed the extent to which these Movements have become linked -in terms of interests- to the continuation of the war and are doing their utmost best, in alliance with the Islamic Movement, to hinder any steps on a path that might lead to achieving peace.

These Movements and those around them in Port Sudan are afraid of being exposed and held accountable. Corruption always finds a suitable opportunity for growth in a climate of war, finding its calling in the leadership of these Movements that control Sudan’s treasuries. It doesn’t require much exploration in the depths of this matter to uncover the involvement of these Movements in corruption alongside the Islamic Movement (the dissolved National Congress Faction).

Perhaps the Sudanese people have yet to realize the extent of the corruption that is taking place throughout this war. Preliminary statistics indicate that it exceeds the corruption that occurred during the era of the “Inqaz” regime, and there are plenty of evidence to support such claims.

Perhaps the leaks revealed by the activist Mujahid Bushra confirm beyond any shadow of doubt how chaos prevailed and to what extent. The exploitation of influence has reached its limit.

The alliance of corrupt people is the biggest obstacle to achieving peace, and the international community must impose sanctions on this gang that continues to torture the Sudanese people. Lest we forget there are many merchants who support this corruption and have achieved huge profits through the exemptions granted to them by the Bank of Sudan to export gold and for their role in (brokering) arms deals, in addition to other activities they don’t want to stop as long as it bestows upon them great blessings, increases their financial balances, as well as expands their ownership of real estate.

The alliance of corruption and Islamists accused in criminal cases will remain the main obstacle, and it’s clear that it still controls the joints of what remains of the Sudanese State. This is evident through the fluctuation in the Army’s positions on the negotiations and the control of Al-Bara’ ibn Malik Brigade and the likes over field work, in addition to the desperate defense of the “Blabsa” and their insistence on convincing citizens of the necessity of continuing the war.

However, despite all of the above, the corruption alliance began to lose control over matters, and with each passing day the gap and rift between the corruptors and those in control in the Army increases as they grows apart. The American plan to stop the war has broken the barrier, and tomorrow is just a day away !!


Quoted from AL-Jareeda Newspaper

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